Jizar the Dragon

"the Dragon" or "the First Syl-Pasha"

Born in Daraqadim in 79 AC, the legend of Jizar yn Jilal el Rhimod starts with him being born to adventurers during a time when the world was unexplored and wild. His adventurer comrades battled beastfolk and monsters alike, clearing a place in the world for the Calishite people before founding the city of Calimport and the Empire of Calimshan soon after. Using his sorcerer powers, he ruled as the first Syl-Pasha of Calimport, it's Dragon, as legends say he could transform into one at will, with more fantastical versions saying he was a true red dragon by the end of his life.   He had many children, with both his wives and many other women, spawning sorcerer linages that spread out throughout Calimshan even to this day. Seeking ultimate magical power he choose the most powerful of these children and accepted them into his family, spurning all others to exile or death.    In 135 AC, Taneorron, a Great Wyrm Red Dragon, travels from a continent in the east and attacks Daraqadim, claiming the fortress as it’s new lair and enslaving the populace for a short time. After heated conflict and many years of battle, Jizar kills Taneorron, although he loses his adventuring friends in the process, leading to a deep depression and taking his own life in 145 AC.
Neutral Evil
79 AC 145 AC 66 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death