Kairozdormu (Kai-roz-dor-mu)


  The Bronze dragon aspect, created during the Calamity by the shattering of Bahamut. Kairozdormu sees the timeways and is tasked with the defending of the “prime timeline” against the terrors of the Infinite Dragonflight. Shown his own death during his creation, the bronze dragon god of time and fate watches over the timestream and defends it from the meddling of mortals and outsiders alike.

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  He is a god whose portfolio includes bronze dragonkind, time, purity, the prime timeline, history, and knowledge. Worshippers of Kairozdormu are few and far between, with many average people not even knowing of his existence. His worshippers are often bronze dragonkind and scholars that have learned of his existence.

Divine Domains

Air (including Lightning), Good, Knowledge (including Aeon and Memory), Law (including Inevitable), Scalykind (only Dragon), Time


Unbound Hourglass

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Natural Weapons, Mace   Holy Animal - Bronze Drake   Holy Colors - Bronze, White   Holy Mineral - Sandstone   Holy Symbol - Hourglass
Divine Classification
Rank 8 Lesser Deity
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“The Bronze Aspect” or “The Lord of the Centuries”