Kushic (Koo-shic)


  The Kushic people are a human ethnicity originally from the region of Turam in southern Asora. Kushic people tend to be of darker complexion, and have dark hair and eyes. Men often wear long and complicated beards. Kushic apparel is often brightly colored and loosely fitted. Silks and other fine fabrics from Shou Lang are prized. Saris and head-scarves are common among Kushic women, who also decorate their foreheads with spots of brightly colored paint or jewels. Only the highest caste men (see Caste System below) wear anything but functional, albeit bright clothing: kilts, pants, and simple shirts. The male rulers of Kushic City Stats are known for their extravagant jewels and golden ornaments. Both genders are fond of piercings and colorful make-up to enhance their natural beauty.  


  The Kushites believe in personal betterment and enlightenment within the strict confinement of their culture, but also have a reputation for being consummate exaggerators and embellishers; a trait that would make them unbearable were it not for their frequent good cheer and charisma. Even though they come from a rich and vibrant culture, Kushites have a love of exploration, be it for trade, conquest, or simple curiosity, and they have spread to nearly every corner of the world. They appreciated eloquent speech and movement and a Kushite can be equally entranced by a graceful dancer or a gifted speaker.  

Caste System

  Kushic society is structured via the caste system, in which an individual is assigned a profession at birth that defines his or her role in society and reflects good or bad deeds from past lives. Higher castes are believed to have attained their position through attaining a purity in previous lives that has brought them closer to Eternal Peace, while people of the lowest castes are believed to have just earned the right to be born as a human. Most Kushites think it improper to work in a profession outside of one's caste, an attitude that relaxes somewhat after a few generation living outside of Turam.  


  The Kushites are a devout people and in their homeland worship a bewildering array of gods of the Kushic pantheon. Those who live far from home have no trouble adopting the local gods (even gods of non-humans), or else continuing to worship their own diverse pantheon. Most see very little reason to proselytize.
Encompassed species