Kymosian Enclave System


  The most common thing travelers near Kymos (and sometimes no where near Kymos) will encounter when it comes to the Kymosian Wizards is a Kymosian Enclave. For any Kymosian enclave, the Law of Sovereignty applies: The land on which the enclave sits is considered Kymosian soil, and Kymosian law is the only law. This is more than just words on a trade agreement—the Kymosian Wizards consider the enclave’s land to be a part of Kymos, and while they don’t go out of their way to offend their neighbors with strange Kymosian customs (especially if the neighbors oppose slavery), they are not averse to punishing lawbreakers in their own fashion.   A person caught stealing might be flogged, or branded, or (rarely) put to death. The Kymosian Wizards have harsh penalties for those who offend or harm one of their own, with beatings or imprisonment as all common responses. This prevents most brave or foolhardy adventurers from strutting about an enclave, insulting folk and harassing the Kymosian Wizards.   The Kymosian soldiers patrol their enclaves day and night. If they see someone likely to cause trouble approaching or within the enclave, the soldiers confront the person in question. In many cases, those “likely to cause trouble” includes paladins and clerics of good faiths, particularly those opposed to the activities of the Kymosian Wizards or Kymos in general. In these cases, the soldiers politely ask the people to leave. If questioned, the soldiers respond that people like them tend to make the Kymosians uncomfortable—just as they might feel uncomfortable if they were wandering about Kymos itself. The guards explain that for the sake of courtesy, the visitors should leave, or at least find some place outside the enclave to leave their weapons to avoid worrying the local Kymosians. Their business is welcome, but preferably without the heightened tensions of an armed outsider.   While this talk is occurring, more guards arrive to support their allies, and a nearby Kymosian Wizard or two might join the crowd. If troublemakers refuse to leave, the soldiers offer to escort them to the edge of the enclave or to the embassy, where one of the senior wizards can explain the situation. If still met with refusal, the guards may imprison the visitors as trespassers, which usually results in an overnight stay in the prison, a fine, and banishment from the enclave.   The following cities outside of Kymos have well-established enclaves of at least fifty Kymosians: Asaurius, Grabby’s Reach, Zazesspur, Memnon, Zunan, Zobeck, Suzaill, Proskur, Undertow, Myratma, Nemesse, Lachom. Other large cities may have a single shop staffed by a handful of Kymosian wizards or are visited at least monthly by traveling wizards with goods to sell. Countries with a long history of abuse and violence at the hands of the Kymosian Wizards—such as Damara, Rashemen, and the Tuskbreaker lands—refuse to allow any sort of permanent enclave within their cities.
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