Lady of Pain


  Enigmatic, poweful, and strict, the Lady of Pain rules over the city of Sigil with an iron fist. She is sometimes described as a floating, robed, giant-sized woman with a mantle of blades around her expressionless face. While the Lady of Pain was by no means kind or compassionate, she was not necessarily cruel either. She seemed to care about little more than maintaining the status quo of her new city. Despite not being a traditional deity in the sense of having worshippers or domains to oversee, the Lady of Pain still holds immense sway throughout the planes. The only true position she is known to hold is her immense distaste for any being with a divine spark, from godlings to even other overgods, and her power is mostly used to keep those beings out of the city of Sigil itself. Unlike other godlike beings, the Lady of Pain sought no worship, and in fact, reacted violently to those who worshipped her. Many faithful of her short lived cults have been discovered peeled to the bone, their skin seemingly spontoneously flayed off.
Divine Classification
Rank 24 Overgod
Lawful Neutral
Current Location