Lizardfolk (Syaandi)


  Syaandi are a hardy, nomadic race of lizard-like humanoids that tend to prefer warm, arid climates, though they are sufficiently adaptable to be make their homes in many different lands. They are usually found in the Parched Wastes in small clans, surviving despite harsh conditions. Outsiders who encounter syaandi have difficulty winning their trust, least of all because communicating with them is nigh impossible without magic or telepathy. Syaandi have no tongues and have worked out a complex language comprised of clicks, screeches, and guttural grunts that prove hard to translate.   Loa's Name - Unknown, information is totally unknown.

Stats and Meta Info

  Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Wisdom: Syaandi are fierce and tough in close combat, but often overconfident and even foolhardy.   Type: Syaandi are humanoids with the reptilian subtype.   Size: Syaandi are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Speed: Syaandi have a base speed of 30 feet.   Senses: Syaandi can see twice as far as a human in low light conditions.   Cornered Fury (Ex): Whenever a syaandi is reduced to less than half its hit points and has no conscious ally within 30 feet, it gains a +2 morale bonus on melee attack rolls and a +2 competence bonus to its Armor Class.   Fearless (Ex): Syaandi gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear effects.   Hardy (Ex): Syaandi gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.   Scavenger Scent: Syaandi have a keen sense for carrion and death, gaining a limited version of the scent special quality that applies only to corpses, creatures taking bleed damage, and creatures with fewer than 50% of their hit points remaining.   Unintelligible: Syaandi lack the vocal apparatus to mimic intelligible speech to most races. They can learn to read, write, and understand other tongues, and can communicate with others through magic such as tongues or share language or by telepathy. Lacking such means, they cannot use language-dependent effects to affect creatures not fluent in Syaandu. Syaandi gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Sense Motive checks made to communicate nonverbally (treat as passing along a secret message). This does not impair their ability to cast spells with verbal components or to use spell-completion items, but it does prevent the use of spell-trigger items with command words unless they were crafted by a syaandi (though they can activate such items with the Use Magic Device skill).   Languages: Syaandi begin play speaking only Syaandu. Syaandi with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Sylvan, Terran. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
70 years
Average Height
5'4" to 6'4"
Average Weight
200 to 250 pounds