Mammon (Mam-on)
The 3rd archdevil Mammon is The Black Fortress's accountant and treasurer. He rules over the lightless realm of Erebus, the third layer of the Fortress metaphorically located beneath the Iron City of Dis. He is the Archdevil that rules over the areas of Avarice, Watchfulness, and Wealth.
Both the greedy and the poor pray to Mammon for comforts like money or station. He usually answers by arranging for the supplicant to discover a 'lucky coin' from Erebus, through which he whispers to them to engage in increasingly evil acts to get what they want.
Divine Domains
Artifice (including Construct and Toil), Earth (including Metal), Evil (including Devil), Law (including Devil)
Divine Symbols & Sigils
Holy Weapon - Shortspear
Holy Animal - Rat
Holy Colors - Gold, silver
Holy Mineral - Gold
Holy Symbol - Devil-faced coin
Tenets of Faith
Edicts - Gain financial control over others, gather new wealth, count your riches
Anathema - Leave Mammon's cult, allow those who steal from you to go unpunished