Milani (Me-lan-ee)


  Arriving from a far away world during the Calamity, her power was greatly diminished until the Chondathan revolution, where she appeared in battle against Calishite soldiers and her divine spark was lit again. Also known as the Everbloom, she is the patron of all those who fight against oppression and unjust rule.

Divine Domains

Chaos (including Azata), Community. Glory (including Heroism), Good (including Azata), Liberation (including Freedom and Revolution)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Morningstar   Holy Animal - Mouse   Holy Colors - Red, White   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Bloody Rose

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Fight against oppression and tyranny, even tyranny masquerading as freedom. Restore hope to the hopeless.   Anathema - Enslave others. Abstain from violence where necessary. Giving up and quitting instead of fighting.  

Example Paladin Codes

In the radiant glow of the Everbloom, symbol of freedom and rebirth, I pledge my very essence to stand unwaveringly against tyranny and for the oppressed, embodying these solemn tenets:  
  • I will stand as a bulwark against any who would impose their will unjustly upon others, for in resistance lies the seed of liberation.
  • I vow to lift the spirits of those weighed down by chains, ensuring they find their strength and voice against their captors.
  • Not only will I oppose tyrants, but I will also work to establish and promote leaders who rule with fairness and empathy.
  • No chain shall bind me, no cage shall contain me. My spirit remains wild and free, a beacon for all who seek liberation.
  • I will remember and honor those who have given their lives in the name of freedom, ensuring their sacrifices are not in vain.
  • Empowerment is the foundation of freedom. I pledge to teach skills, wisdom, and self-reliance, ensuring future generations can defend their liberties.
  • Oppression often lurks in shadows, waiting to strike. I vow to remain vigilant, ready to rise against any who threaten freedom.
Divine Classification
Rank 9 Lesser Deity
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Everbloom"
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations