Mothfolk (Llkllrxzshlkl)


  Moody and perplexing, isolated and elegant, tough and passionate, the ways in which one might describe the mothfolk are many - although those capable of pronouncing the true name of the species are few and far between. Mothfolk are a mysterious, reclusive race found in the lost reaches of the world, seldom seen in more "civilized" places. Tall and often silent, mothfolk have a reputation for being cryptic and thoughtful - although in reality many of them stay silent because they know the thrumming, clicking sound of their communication makes the more "normally-speaking" races uncomfortable.   Loa’s Name - Sacred Soul, location unknown (Sorceress)  

Stats and Meta Info

  Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma   Speed: land speed is 20ft. Flight speed 30 ft (average)   Flutter: Mothfolk prefer flight as opposed to walking and unless stated otherwise are always to be considered floating just above the ground at all times.   Darkvision: Mothfolk can see in the dark up to 120 feet.   Delicate Wings: Mothfolk rely on a thin coating of dust on their wings in order to fly. If a Mothfolk is attacked via flanking or takes fire or cold damage, the dust is disturbed, and they lose their flight and flutter abilities for 1d4 rounds.   Infused with Shadow: Mothfolk take on a strange countenance in the darkness, appearing more light and quick. They gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks made in dim light or darker conditions.   Languages: Common, Mothfolk
??? years
Average Height
6'1" to 7'1"
Average Weight
120 to 160 pounds