

  Within the ethereal plane is a region known as the Plane of Dreams. This region is touched by the dreams and nightmares of sentients and can be a place of fancy and wonder or terror and despair. The inhabitants of this realm can guide the direction of dreams, or even fabricate a dream or nightmare whole cloth. The legacy of the muse began in this way.   Muses originated from the dreams of angels with an interest in the Plane of Dreams. Once divinely inspired, the muses became prolific, and were common in the world of dream. However, while the muses provided a positive inspiration on the Plane of Dreams, there are other less benevolent forces active there. From the denizens of Leng to the night hags to the dream eaters, the Plane of Dreams can be a dangerous place. Sometimes in order to oppose those who would squelch the spark of inspiration provided by the muse, it was necessary to leave the Plane of Dreams, and during the final stages of the Calamity, many Muses came to Aralla to aid the fight, being caught in the Cradle in turn.  

Physical Description

  Muses, undeniably, are beautiful creatures. They are tall, ranging in height from 6 to 7 feet. Their pale white skin is silky and opalescent. A muse’s neck and limbs are preternaturally long and thin. While their bodies are also very slender, they have round and cheerful faces with pleasant little noses, wide smiles, small pointed ears, and large bright eyes. It is their eyes, in fact, that most mark them as a creature not of this world, as they are black orbs filled with swirling stars. From their backs, iridescent fins sprout forth, resembling vestigial faerie wings. These strange appendages flutter vibrantly with the muse’s mood, changing color and intensity accordingly. With these characteristics, many often mistake these creatures for having fey blood, though few true fey-blooded individuals would make the same mistake. Elves and gnomes view the muse to be just as alien as humans and dwarves.  


  Muses can be either male or female, having only slightly suggestive sexual characteristics compared to other races. It would be difficult to classify a muse as a mammal; while they do nurse their young, they also hatch from perfectly spherical crystal eggs. These eggs, about six inches in diameter, take a decade to incubate. Luckily, they are extremely resilient. A mother muse will often carry her eggs with her, as they require no special care in particular. Muses typically lay eggs in clutches of two to six, once in their lifetime. Hatchling muses look just like miniature adults. Muses mature very quickly, reaching adulthood in just seven years. During that time, they learn and grow at an amazing pace; absorbing knowledge like a sponge—sometimes literally. Muse children can read books and other written works simply by touching them. This talent usually fades by the time the muse is mature. Muses do not eat meat, though are fond of milk and dairy. They also have an unquenchable sweet tooth, seeking out desserts before any other sort of meal. Despite this seemingly poor diet, muses cannot become overweight. Like elves, muses do not need to sleep and live long lives. A muse does not show signs of age, though will suddenly fade away at some point during its venerable years.  

Race Relations

  Muses get along well with all races, but are especially close with elves, gnomes, and aasimars. Most races view muses favorably, and some even view them as valuable assets that need to be invested in. Dwarves are the only race that seems reluctant to show kinship, citing that the inspiration of a muse is both artificial and ephemeral.  

Stats and Meta Info

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution: Muses are highly intellectual, extremely social , and somewhat fragile creatures.
Size: Muses are Medium-sized creatures with no bonuses or penalties due to size
Type: Muses are outsiders with the native subtype.
Base Speed: Muses have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Muse begin play speaking Common and either Celestial or Infernal. Muses with high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following: Abyssal, Auran, Celestial, Dwarven, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Infernal and Orc.
Low-Light Vision: Muses can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Muse Immunities: Muses are immune to magic sleep effects.
Source of Inspiration: You grant allies within 50 feet of you a +1 competence bonus to all skill checks that involve skills that you have ranks in.
Touch of the Muse: Once per day, as an immediate action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may grant one adjacent ally a chance to reroll any one saving throw, attack roll, or skill check and take the second roll. This effect happens immediately after the first roll was attempted, but before the results are revealed by the Gamemaster. The target must take the second result, even if it is worse.
Unearthly Presence: When your hit point total is equal to or greater than half of your maximum hit point total, you gain a +1 morale bonus to armor class and all saving throws against attacks made by creatures in squares immediately adjacent to you.
Average Height
6 ft. 2 in. – 7 ft. 0 in
Average Weight
170 – 220 lbs.