Nadan yn Hiras el Ovam (Paladin 6)

The largest mine owner and one of the richest of the rich in Grabby's Reach is the Pasha Nadan yn Hiras el Ovam. In the last 10 years since he rose to seniority in his family, Nadan has softened his father's draconic and abusive treatment of the family's mineworkers and freed his slaves from chattel slavery, placing them into indentured servitude instead. The pious and kindly (but no less crafty and politically skilled, as some who underestimate him find out) pasha is one of the most beloved figures in the middle sabbans for his generosity and sincere concern for those in his employ. He rarely parlays that goodwill for political purposes, but merely the knowledge that such support is there cows many of his political rivals into submission lest their power fall away due to an unfortunate clash with the Emerald Sabban's "Smiling Pasha."
Lawful Good
Current Location