Northern Coast


The Northern Coast boasts a vast coasstline that stretches for miles along the Pacjour Sea. The coastline is characterized by rugged cliffs and and rocky beaches. The crashing waves and warm sea breeze give the region a vibrant and rugged atmosphere. The terrain of the Northern Coast is mostly expansive coastal plains, fertile and ideal for agriculture. Off the coast are many small islands and archipelagos varying in size, some being small and uninhabited, while others are larger and have villages and small trade ports.


The summers in the Northern Coast are generally warm and pleasant, with the sea breezes providing a refreshing respite from the heat. Winters in the Northern Coast are characterized by mild temperatures, and while it can get chilly, especially the more north you go, the region is almost never subjected to extreme colds. The coastal position of this region helps maintains milder temperatures compared to more inland northern regions. Snowfall almost never occurs, only in uncharacteristically strange winters. The Northern Coast gets a moderate amount of rainfall throughout the year, mostly in the fall and winter months. The combinations of rainfall and coastal plains supports the growth of diverse crops in the area. The warm waters of the Pacjour Sea can occasionally give rise to coastal storms. During the spring, right at the end of the rainy season, powerful winds and intense rainstorms may sweep across the coastline.

Fauna & Flora

Along the Northern Coast you can expect to encounter a variety of interesting flora and fauna. Among the many mundane flora, none are so unique as the Driftwood Trees, uniquely adapted to coastal conditions. These trees have twisted trunks and branches, resembling wet driftwood, and their leaves are resistant to salt and saltwater, allowing them to thrive in the coastal environment. Most dangerous among the more mundane fauna of the Northern Coast are the Northern Coast wolves, patrolling the beaches and cliffsides, their fur blending with the colors of the sand and rocks.


Major Landmarks in the Region -   The first two major cities settled by the Empire of Calimshan, Nizwarin and Zallusan are two of the largest and most populated cities on the continent. Nizwarin itself is known for many unique brands for its slaves, especially so the Arena of Blood, the most famous gladiatorial arena on the planet.   Along the coast a dilapidated watchtower stands as a relic of humanity's defenses during the Calamity. Its crumbling walls and overgrown icy give it an eerie appearance. Said to be long haunted and cursed, the site is avoided by locals and even sailing near it is said to cause bad luck.   Tucked away within the Mistveil Cliffs, a large subsection of the Northern Coast that is often covered in a deep mist, is the hidden Starfall Grove. Accessed through a narrow and winding passage, this enchanting cave is illuminated by luminescent plants and thousands of tiny glowing crystals. As The Cradle comes out during the night, the cave comes alive with dazzling displays of lights, creating an ethereal magical light.
Coast / Shore
Location under
Owning Organization