Orcus (or-kus)

Formerly the Loa of the Goatfolk (Ibixians), he drowned in the Abyssal well, causing his race's lungs to fill with the horrid liquid and die, leaving only few survivors, and many undead. Orcus is the demon lord of undeath, necromancy and wrath. He is worshipped all over Aralla, usually by necromancers and those who were undead and still intelligent. He had the most aggressive final goal for Aralla, as he seeked to kill and raise all living things as his undead servants. Very few vampires or ghouls are counted among Orcus' servitors, due to Zura's and Kabriri's dominions over them. To Orcus' followers, the lich is the epitome of undeath, due to the power wielded by one and the patience, power, skill and talent needed to become one.

Divine Domains

Chaos (including Demon), Death (including Murder and Undead), Evil (including Demon), Magic (including Divine)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Heavy mace   Holy Animal - Goat   Holy Colors - Ivory, red   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Four-horned goat head

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Kill living things, raise the dead, seek power and undeath   Anathema - Destroy undead, serve other gods of undeath
Divine Classification
Corrupted Demon Loa
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Prince of Undeath" or "Demon Lord of Necromancy and the Undead"