Order of the Blue Moon


In order to join the order, an individual was required to live up to the tenets of the Baarran and Mehenite faiths, as well as take an oath to either one of the deities. Additionally they were asked to possess some affinity with magic. Individuals with sorcerous skill were favored due to the matter with which the Knights cast their spells, though bards and even paladins were also found among their numbers.

Public Agenda

The Order of the Blue Moon, whose individual members were referred to as Knights of the Blue Moon, was an arcane knightly order dedicated to serve Baara, and their mother, Mehena. While the order was small, they proved their devotion to both goddesses by defending their part of Ekrune against the agents of the dark goddess Shar. Due to the small numbers within their order, knights of the blue moon often hired adventurers to aid them in their missions against the agents of Shar. On occasion they would accompany adventuring bands, if their goals coincided with their own.
Founding Date
322 AC
Religious, Holy Order
Knight of the Blue Moon