Otterfolk (Otterlings)


  Otterlings are curious, fun-loving people who call the river shores of Calimshan home. A typically quiet, peaceful race, they rarely wander beyond the borders of their tiny settlements. When danger threatens, however, heroic otterlings are quick to respond, so that their families can continue to live the easy life to which they have all grown accustomed.   Loa's Name - Kaskae, said to be located in a village near Nemesse (Ranger)  

Stats and Meta Info

  Ability Score Modifiers: Otterlings are cunning and quick, but their ambition can get the better of them. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom.   Type: Otterling are humanoids creatures with the otterling subtype.   Small: Otterlings are Small creatures gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.   Base Speed: Otterlings have a base speed of 20 feet. They also have a swim speed of 30 feet, can move in water without making Swim checks, and always treat Swim as a class skill.   Hold Breath: Otterlings can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to four times their Constitution score before risking drowning or suffocating.   Languages: Common. Otterlings with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Goblin, Halfling, and Orc.   Slippery Hide: Otterlings gain a +2 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks and a +2 racial bonus to CMD against grapples and on combat maneuver checks to escape a grapple.   Slippery Tongue: Otterlings are no strangers to winning over and deceiving others. They receive a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks.   Tiny Pockets: Otterlings have one small pouch of skin under each of their armpits, allowing them to hide up to one potion-size or smaller object in each with ease. Otterlings receive a +2 racial bonus on Sleight of Hand skill checks when hiding an object in their armpits.
60 Years
Average Height
2'8" to 3'4" Feet
Average Weight
33 to 46 lbs