Palep el Ytayan (Wizard 9)

The Vizar and Pasha Palep el Ytayan (CE hm M9) is the master of the Carters' and Wagoneers' Guild and the right hand of the Gem Caleph.  Palep has uncovered el Huzal's biggest secret: the financial purse-strings of the Ahimar Family, which threaten to strangle him if the Ahimars are now cut out of the profits. With this information in hand, he bides his time for the opportunity to act. Should the Ahimars attempt to move further into Grabby's Reach, Palep will pull in his favors and assemble his allies among the guilds and oust the Gem Caleph in favor of himself to prevent the underworld family from another city stealing power away from the native powerbrokers. For now, though, Palep collects as much power and money as possible with the least possible risk to his own neck.
Chaotic Evil
Current Location