Porcupinefolk (Erethi)


  Porcupinefolk, also called Erethi, are rarely seen and enigmatic beings possessing bodies adorned with sharp quills, which they use both as a means of protection and a form of self-expression through intricate patterns and colors. Erethi society is deeply communal, with tight-knit tribes often residing in the heart of dense forests or thorny thickets, where they have learned to thrive in harmony with their natural surroundings. Their culture places a strong emphasis on creativity, craftsmanship, and resourcefulness, as they craft tools, ornaments, and structures from the materials found in their forest homes. With a spiritual connection to the spirits of the forest and a reverence for their ancestors, the Erethi maintain a rich oral tradition filled with stories, songs, and rituals that bind their communities together. Their quills, while formidable for self-defense, also serve practical purposes, such as in crafting tools and weaponry, making the Porcupinefolk formidable protectors of their sacred woodlands. While their society is peaceful and cooperative by nature, they face challenges such as encroachment by other races, who often seek to exploit their forest resources, and the constant need to maintain the balance between their unique way of life and the ever-changing forest ecosystems.   Loa Location - Unknown  

Stats and Meta Info

    Ability Score Modifiers - +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 20ft land, 15ft burrow
Quill Defense: When hit by a melee attack, a Porcupinefolk can release its quills at the attacker, dealing 1d4+Constitution Modifier points of piercing damage unless that attack is from a reach melee weapon. The attacker can make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 10 + Porcupinid’s Con modifier) to halve this damage.
Darkvision: Porcupinefolk have darkvision out to 60 feet.
Solitary Mind: Accustomed to a solitary life, Porcupinefolk gain a +2 racial bonus on saves against charm and compulsion effects, they also suffer a -2 penalty to Diplomacy.
Camouflaged: Porcupinefolk receive a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks in wooded and natural terrains due to their natural colors blending in.
Thick Hide: Porcupinefolk have a +1 natural armor bonus due to their tough skin and quills.
Quillknit: A Porcupinefolk can detach some of its quills to create a temporary tool or weapon, like a makeshift dagger, dart, or set of lockpicks. This object lasts for 1 hour or until broken.
200 years