

As the new god of trickery and deceit, Ryoichi's divine portfolio includes femboys, tragedy, legends, and pranks. He is revered by rogues, tricksters, and those who enjoy a good laugh at the expense of others. Ryoichi is known to take on many forms, often appearing as a mischievous fox or a charismatic bard, weaving tales of deceit and causing chaos wherever he goes. He is both loved and feared by mortals, who know that his blessings can bring great fortune or lead to utter ruin. Despite his reputation as a troublemaker, Ryoichi is a master of strategy and cunning, and his followers seek his guidance in matters of subterfuge and espionage. Those who cross him or attempt to outwit him often find themselves on the receiving end of his wrath, as Ryoichi delights in playing pranks and exacting revenge on those who underestimate him.  


  He is a god whose portfolio includes femboys, corruption, madness, tragedy, legends, pranks, murder, and strife.  

Divine Domains

Animal (only Fur), Chaos (including Demon and Whimsy), Charm, Evil (including Demon and Corruption), Knowledge (including Thought), Liberation (including Freedom), Madness, Travel, Time, Trickery (including Deception and Innuendo), Madness (including Nightmare and Insanity), Scalykind (only Dragon)  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Fighting Fan   Holy Animal - Fox   Holy Colors - Red   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Nine tailed fox  

Tenets of Faith

  Edicts - Bring tragedies to life by ruining the lives of unsuspecting innocents.
Anathema - Create a boring story or one with a good ending.  

Antipaladin Code

The antipaladins of Ryoichi are stealthy, and in emulation of their cruel patron deity, they’re obsessed with sowing death at the most shocking moments. Although all adhere to Ryoichis tenets, they vary in which parts of the code they emphasize. These tenets include the following adages
  • Innocence is ignorance, and ignorance is weakness. I will seek to shed my own ignorance, and encourage ignorance in my enemies.
  • A fair fight is not worth fighting. I will take every advantage I can. No tool is beneath me.
  • Cold eyes, cold heart. My enemies can expect no mercy from me
  • Tragedy must be refined. I will seek not to spread reckless chaos but to create an exquisite story of pain


The faith has yet to coalesce into a homogeneous creed, however, and worshipers of Ryoichi have already begun to worship they day he ascended to divinity. On the 5th of Kythorn followers of the trickster god draw from decks of cards and set out to create tragedies inspired by the cards they drew.  


Body Features

Ryoichi is a foxboy femboy.  

Meta Information


They have to spend an hour reading, writing or telling a tragic story every day, ending it with a prayer to Ryoichi. Gain a +3 profane bonus on Bluff checks and on Diplomacy checks to gather information.  

Boons - Deific Obedience


1:Deceiver (Sp) silent image 3/day, invisibility 2/day, or glibness 1/day
2: Heretical Revelation (Su) Three times per day as a standard action, you can whisper terrible secrets to an adjacent target. The target must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier) or be stunned for 1 round, then confused for 1d4 rounds, and then nauseated for 2d6 rounds. This is a mind-affecting effect.
3:Reflecting Song (Su) You can reflect a spell targeted against you back at its source with a blast of scornful music. Once per day when you have been specifically targeted by a spell, you may attempt a Perform check as an immediate action. If your Perform check equals or exceeds the spell’s save DC, the spell returns immediately to its caster, who must suffer its effects. The caster can attempt a saving throw as normal to negate the returned spell’s effects. If the spell normally allows no saving throw, calculate the Perform DC as if the spell did allow a save, taking into account any feats or special abilities the caster may have that would affect the DC. If the spell had multiple targets (for example, a magic missile with three bolts, one of which was targeted at you), you reflect only the portion of the spell targeting you. This ability has no effect on area spells or any spells whose description has no Target entry.


1:Untold Stories (Sp) identify 3/day, augury 2/day, or illusory script 1/day
2: Enhanced Mysticism (Su) Your magic is imbued with secret stories lost to the ages. You add your Intelligence bonus on concentration checks and on caster level checks to penetrate spell resistance or dispel ongoing magical effects; if you already add your Intelligence modifier on such a check, add your Charisma bonus instead.
3: Protective Grace (Ex): You may add your Charisma bonus to your AC while wearing light or no armor. This bonus applies against touch attacks. Any condition that would cause you to lose your Dexterity bonus to AC also causes you to lose your Charisma bonus to AC..

Divine Fighting Technique

Ryoichis Silent Strike

Optional Replacement: A neutral evil rogue of at least 2nd level who worships Ryoichi can replace a rogue talent with the following initial benefit. Initial Benefit: Whenever you attack an opponent that is completely unaware of your presence (such as when you are using the Stealth skill or invisible), your attack deals damage as if you were one size category larger. This benefit applies only to the first attack that you make against the target, and only with attacks made with light or one-handed weapons intended for creatures of your size (including thrown attacks).   Advanced Prerequisites: Divine Fighting Technique, Stealth 10 ranks.   Optional Replacement: A neutral evil rogue of at least 10th level who worships Ryoichi can replace an advanced rogue talent with the following advanced benefit without meeting its prerequisites.   Advanced Benefit: At the start of each round, choose one opponent that you can see and attempt a Stealth check as a swift action. If the result of your check exceeds the target’s CMD, treat the target as if it were completely unaware of your presence for the purpose of the initial benefit of this divine fighting technique. If you beat the target’s CMD by 5 or more, you also treat it as being completely unaware of your presence for the purposes of all class features and feats you have.    

Unique Spell Rules


Clairaudience/Clairvoyance can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell  


Nondetection can be prepared as a 3rd-level spell
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance can be prepared as a 3rd-level spell
Divine Classification
Rank 5 Demigod
Neutral Evil