Sea Elves


  Sea elves are distant relatives of surface elves. They share many traits in common including long lives, deep attachment to their surroundings, and arrogant attitudes. Unlike their land-bound counterparts, sea elves are by no means considered quiet or reserved. Sea elves are a boisterous lot, and take celebration, vengeance, and pride especially seriously. Sea elves have a king or queen to whom they pay tribute, but has limited control over daily life. Sea elves live as they please, coming together under a leader only in times of undersea disaster or great woe for the world in general. The elven nobility of the sea are mostly responsible for adjudicating trade agreements, treaties, and tariffs. The sea elf population consists primarily of artists and craftsman who create some of the most breathtaking splendors of the sea. The most breathtaking of these splendors is the spectacular elven cities that are crafted from living coral. Sea elves revere both magic and nature and seldom hesitate to let one enhance the other. A departure from the philosophies of other elven kind, sea elves are not afraid to meddle or tinker with the natural order of things. More often than not, this leads to spectacular works of living art. Occasionally, this has also led to great and terrible abominations that cause more harm than good. Sea elves can be prideful and egotistical, and this can easily lead to folly if mixed with unchecked arcane might.  

Physical Description

  Sea elves resemble their land cousins with their slender bodies and exceptional grace and beauty. They have lustrous blue-grey skin, ranging from pale to dark. Their hair is typically green, silvery, pale blue or white. Eye color is usually dark, from deep blue or green to black. Their ears are delicately pointed like those of land elves. Sea elves have webbed fingers and toes and strong, lithe bodies adapted to swimming. They usually wear clothing woven from undersea plants, decorated with coral, shells, and pearls.  

Stats and Meta Info

Ability Score Modifiers: Sea elves are nimble and charismatic, but their form is frail. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and –2 Constitution.
Size: Sea elves are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Type: Sea elves are Humanoids with the elf and aquatic subtypes. Creatures with the aquatic subtype can move in water without making Swim checks. Aquatic creatures always treat Swim as a class skill.
Base Speed: Sea elves have a base speed of 30 feet and a swim speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Sea elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Elven Immunities: Sea elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Sea Elven Magic
: Sea Elves have potent magic that lingers longer than others. Once per day you may cast a spell with the [Water] or [Cold] descriptors that is either extended as though using the Extend Spell feat. This does not change the spell slot of the altered spell.
Vocal Harmonics
: Sea Elves have notoriously beautiful voices, and they gain a Racial +2 bonus on Perform(Sing) checks, which is always a class skill for them. They add +1 to the DC of language-dependant effects they cast.
Weapon Familiarity: Sea Elves are always proficient with Tridents, Harpoons, and Nets, and treat any weapon with 'Sea Elf' or 'Sea Elven' in its name as a martial weapon.
Low-Light Vision: Sea Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim vision.
Amphibious: Sea elves can breathe both water and air.
Encompassed species

Articles under Sea Elves