Shattered Sword of the Linnorm King

Description and Lore

The final Linnorm king's blade, split into 7 pieces by Fahfnier, Father of all Linnorms during the king's death at his hands. The piece's current locations are unknown, but are all magically powerful in their own regard.  


  The listed spell-like effects can be cast by the bearer without touching the blade, employing spell components, or saying anything. All magic is unleashed by silent act of will alone. The spell-like effects take effect as if cast by a bloodrager of 12th level unless the bearer is already a caster of higher level, in which case his or her level is used instead. In order from the back of the blade to its tip, the pieces and their powers are:  
  • Hilt - The wearer can cast Jump, Chill Heart, and Bless once a day each.
  • Quillions - The bearer gains +2 on all saving throws vs. spell, spell-like powers, and magical item effects.
  • Blade Base - The bearer can cast Dispel Magic once a day.
  • Flat (Blade Section) - The bearer can cast Chain Lightning once a day.
  • Strike (Blade Section) - The bearer has immunity to all gaze attacks.
  • Fore (Blade Section) - The bearer gains the saving throws of a bloodrager of their level, replacing their base save for Fort, Reflex, and Will if they are better than their classes base save. If they are a bloodrager already, they gain an additional spell slot of each level they can cast.
  • Tip (Blade Section) - Once per day, the bearer can give themselves a +8 bonus to any attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. This bonus must be declared before the dice is rolled.
Item type
Unique Artifact