Shou (Shaow)


  The Shou were humans originally from the Empire of Shou Lang in the eastern lands of Asora. Shou bore a similar appearance to that of the Turami. They had yellowish-bronze skin, black hair, and broad, flat features. This ethnicity is split into many distinct cultural groups, simply because of the size of the former Shou Empire, but the two major groups are the Ur-Shou (those who live on the mainland) and the Shou-Min (those whose ancestors came to Minkai during the Jade King's Revolt).  


  The most populous of the two groups, the Ur-Shou inhabit the lands of the former Imperial Shou Lang, and are most often found in the numerous city states and kingdoms left behind after its great collapse. Their culture is the oldest on the continent, and they were the first human culture to re-emerge after the Calamity 


  A smaller subculture within Asora, the Shou-Min is both the name for the language and culture of the nation of Minkai. Slightly differing from the Ur-Shou, they have kept a closer hold on the spiritual side of their culture, even as society has advanced. Shou-Min culture places a high degree of focus on personal honor and spiritual health, and as such, more focus is placed on the connection of the self with the spirit world.  


  Most Shou prefer to wear loose-fitting garments, no matter their social standing. Those who can afford to, wear brighly colored, robe-like clothes, elaborately embroidered with nature scenes or exotic animals such as dragons or phoenixes, while the poor often make due with simple kilts or trousers with linen wraps or course, and leather jackets on their upper bodies. Almost all Shou prefer bright and interesting colors; only the poorest wear undyed cloth.
Encompassed species