

  The azata empyreal Lord Sinashakti runs through the planes in search of knowledge, sharing his many tales with those whom he meets along the way. The Walker of Worlds seeks to see all there is and learn the ways of all societies in the world and the Cradlerealms. Followers of Sinashakti typically forswear permanent residence and are usually bards and traveling merchants. They are motivated by the joy of travel and exploration rather than by wealth. He is the Azatan lord of Journey, Joy, and Messangers.   Shrines to Sinashakti are not stationary structures but mobile caravans, tents, or campfires – gathering spots for travelers, bards, and merchants. Here, stories are shared, songs are sung, and the spirit of the road is celebrated. Priests and priestesses of Sinashakti, known as Horizon Seekers, often act as guides, storytellers, or cartographers. They ensure that knowledge is shared, and paths less traveled are mapped for future wanderers.  

Divine Domains

Chaos (including Azata), Good (including Azata and Friendship), Luck (including Fate), Travel (including Exploration)  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Shortbows   Holy Animal - Horse   Holy Colors - Green, yellow   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Emerald trumpet and road  

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Prioritize the journey over the destination, share stories and experiences with others freely, offer aid to fellow travelers   Anathema - Stay stationary in life and mind, keep knowledge secret, rob and kill those who travel
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Walker of Worlds"