Six Baneblades of Demron

Description and Lore

  The Baneblades of Demron were six powerful magic swords forged for the defenders of Fylath Shaeras. The archmage Demron was credited with their creation over some three centuries, but they were cooperative efforts among all the races that dwelled in the ancient city.  


  Each was designed for a member of a particular race or profession, and their magic ceased to function for anyone else, leaving only a nonmagical weapon of otherwise fine quality. They were imbued with holy energy and were particularly effective against evil outsiders and undead, and glowed with the light of a torch on command. Each of the blades are +4 Holy Evil Outsider and Undead Bane swords that can glow as a torch as a standard action  


The longsword appeared to have been forged from a single, solid piece of burnished steel, and its craftsmanship was clearly elven in nature, in contrast to the other baneblades. The hilt of the sword was longer than normal and gently twisted, creating a good gripping surface. It had no quillons (meaning there was no cross guard). Its distinctive feature was a large spherical "eye" that was placed at the top of the hilt (between the blade and the hilt). The carved eye's pupil always faced outward, as if looking at its target, creating an eerie effect for its foes.   Aura Overwhelming Evocation (good) CL 20th   The Blade Faervian can only be wielded by an human or elven arcane spellcaster who is good aligned.  
  • Armathor Armor Rest - The wielder could briefly step "out" of their armor as a swift action, leaving the armor and sword itself floating in air and engulfed with purple flames, thereby allowing an arcane caster to cast any spells without suffering the effects of armor hindrance. At the end of the character's turn the armor instantly forms back onto them.
  • Purple Pyre - Once per day, the wielder of the blade can throw the blade up to 50ft away, where it then explodes into purple flames in an area of 30ft before flying back. Creatures wielding metal weapons who are hit by these flames take damage as if they were hit by the blade and must make a DC 24 Reflex Saving throw or have their weapons pulled from their hands and disarmed.
  • Spell Slash - The caster could, three times per day, cast a touch-range spell and store it within the blade for up to 6 hours. Once the wielder hit a target with the sword, the stored spell would be unleashed on the victim.


  It was a short sword designed to be wielded by dwarves, weighing 2 pounds. It emitted an orange light when drawn, shining as bright as a torch, but its light could be suppressed at the wielder's thought.   Aura Strong Evocation and Necromancy(good) CL 12th   The Blade Mhaorathil can only be wielded by Good or Neutral aligned dwarf.   The wielder of the blade can cast Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Disease, and Disrupting Weapon at CL 12.    


  It was a short sword designed for smaller folk such as halflings, weighing 1 pound. When drawn, it glowed as bright as a torch with a soft green light, but this could be shut off at will.   Aura Strong Enchantment and Divination(good) CL 15th   The Blade Evaelathil can only be wielded by a Good aligned halfling.   The wielder of the blade gains Fire Resistance 30 and can cast Charm Person and Locate Creature once at CL 15.    


  It was a magnificent greatsword designed for folk of human, elf, or dwarf size, weighing 8 pounds. It gave off a strong yellow light when drawn, resembling sunlight.   Aura Strong Evocation(good) CL 14th   The Blade Morvian can only be wielded by a Human, Elf, Dwarf, or Halfling that is Lawful Good.   The wielder of the blade can cast Daylight at CL 14. The blade, along with it's usual enchantments, also has the axiomatic properties.    


  It was a rapier crafted for elf or human hands. It had a slightly curved blade with a row of four small rubies set down the center. It had a large basket hilt shaped to resemble three harps with twined around them. When drawn, it glowed as bright as a torch with a fearsome red light, but this could be shut off at will.   Aura Strong Enchantment(good) CL 12th   The Blade Dragathil can only be wielded by a Human or Elf that is good aligned with at least 12 ranks in Diplomacy.   Although the blade looked scary, it was actually meant to subdue enemies with mercy or discussion. Once per day, the wielder could cast Hold Monster at CL 12 using Charisma as their casting stat. The Blade could also do non-lethal damage instead of lethal damage if it's wielder wished.    


  The bastard sword Keryvian's blade glowed with a blue fire when drawn, which was bright enough to read by, and the hilt bore the likeness of a blue dragon with teeth clutching the blade.   Aura Strong Transmutation(good) CL 18th   The Blade Keryvian can only be wielded by a Fighter, Ranger, or Paladin of good alignment.   The wielder of the blade can cast Alarm, Feather Fall, and Jump at will. Furthermore, any time an evil creature is critically hit by the blade, they gain a negative level.
Item type
Unique Artifact