

Soulblight, it's origins shrouded in mystery, is close to the tipping point into pandemic levels in Calimshan. A malady that blends the arcane with the biological, it weaves its terror not through overt physical symptoms alone but through the intricate tapestry of dreams, driving its victims to madness with visions of desolate landscapes and echoing heartbeats. As the infection seeps through various channels—from contact with the undead to the very rain in some places—society will soon fray at its seams, with trust becoming a rare commodity. As the contagion's shadow deepens, the nation's only hope lies in unraveling the mysteries bound within the haunting dreamscapes before it is consumed entirely.

Transmission & Vectors

While its primary transmission method remains a mystery, usually prolonged contact with the infected is the cause for most cases. The infected seem to radiate a nearly imperceptible aura from its victims, which itself is detectable by Greater Detect Magic. Those who spend long periods near an afflicted person (usually days) start to feel an inexplicable chill, a subtle tug at the very fabric of their being. If they are unlucky and do not resist the intial infection, this proximity effect begins to take hold. What makes this method particularly nefarious is its silent nature; friends and family members caring for their loved ones inadvertently become carriers themselves. In crowded places, such as markets or festivals, a single infected individual can unknowingly become the epicenter of a new outbreak, turning close-knit communities into breeding grounds for the disease. The silent, invisible reach of Soulblight through mere proximity amplifies the fear and paranoia, leading many to isolate themselves or shun the afflicted, further fragmenting an already terrified society.   In some locations, soon after the establishment of the Soulblight Asylums, Soul Rain rarely began to occur within the borders of Calimshan. On rare occasions, black clouds form and release an ashen rain. This raindrops have the same aura of Soulblight, infecting the land. Crops, animals, and any person caught unprotected in this rain becomes a carrier. The very earth becomes cursed as the cursed rain feeds the land, leading to further spread when people consume tainted produce.


The disease first manifests as a physical affliction. Painful cysts and bruises begin to form, followed by cancerous growths, painful and rapid, spreading across the body, hinting at the deeper corruption taking place within the soul. As the body becomes a twisted mirror of the soul's decay, mental deterioration follows. In the intermediate stages, those afflicted start to suffer from hallucinations and dementia-like symptoms. The ashen plains, the enormous temple, and the relentless, ever-louder heartbeat become constants in their dreams. Physically, soft tissues like the eyes, tongue, and skin begin to weaken and atrophy. By the final stages, the infected become superhuman, their strength amplified, and their resistance to magic heightened. It is as if the very essence of life that the disease erodes from the inside is channeled into raw, brutal power.


Magic, initially seen as the solution, quickly proves ineffective. Potions, spells, and prayers fail to even slow the disease's progression. This leads to a shift in approach. Alchemists and scholars band together, diving into both the magical and medical realms to find a cure or at least some way to halt the spread. So far, no cure is in sight.

Cultural Reception

Calimshan's south has become a hotspot for the diseased, with massive asylums constructed to contain those who have succumbed to insanity. Families are torn apart, either by the loss of their loved ones to the madness or by the stigma of having a Soulblight-afflicted family member. The fear of the unknown incubation period wreaks havoc on social interactions. The unpredictable nature of when someone might succumb to madness leads to paranoia. Trust erodes. Neighbors become suspicious of one another. Calimshan, while trying to combat this unseen enemy, starts to tear itself apart from within.
Chronic, Acquired