Stickfolk (Hiver)


The Hive, also known as Hivers, are a Race of stick-insect like beastfolk who are meant to collaborate under a collective mind, ruled by a Hive Queen and her princes. Hive characters are separated into many subspecies with their own unique appearance, the worker drones, solider drones, and the princes. The majority of the Hivers care for little else other than the Hive's happiness and survival and are willing to give their lives for the Hive as a whole. Hivers are native to the Whispering Expanse, and have adapted to life in the wastes well.   The longer a Hiver is separated from their Hive, the more their bond with it will weaken, giving way to an increased sense of will and a lack of purpose, although some of them will instead die. Once the bond breaks completely, Hiver characters cannot return and are considered "Hiveless" or "Lost Ones", as they are no longer connected to their Queen's pheromones. The Hiveless have complete free will and individuality, although they will feel purposeless and depressed, now that they have independence. Princes that are still connected to their Hive will become distressed at the presence of a Hiveless in their vicinity, and if possible, alert any nearby Hive Drone if the Lost One refuses to leave.   Loa Location - Unknown  

Stats and Meta Info

  Ability Score Modifiers:+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma. Hivers are hardy and resilient, but their communal nature and reliance on the Hive mind makes them less personable.
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 30 feet
Languages: Hivers begin play speaking Hive Tongue. Hivers with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages).
Hive Mind: If there is another Hiver within 30 feet, a Hiver gets a +1 racial bonus on all Will saving throws. For every additional Hiver within that range, the bonus increases by +1, up to a maximum of +4. If a Hiver is separated from all other Hivers for more than a week, this bonus is lost until they reconnect with a Hive.
Subspecies Specialization: Depending on the kind of caste the Hiver is in, they gain -
  • Worker Drone: Worker Drones receive a free Skill Focus feat for any one Craft or Profession skill at 1st level.
    +2 to Wisdom.
    Worker Drones gain a +2 racial bonus on checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion or fatigue.
  • Soldier Drone: Gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC.
    +2 to Strength. 
    Once per day, as an immediate action, soldier drones can grant themselves a +2 racial bonus to AC for one round.
  • Prince: +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks.
    +2 to Intelligence.
    Once per day, a prince can influence an ally, granting them a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks for 1 minute.

Alternate Racial Traits

  Lone Wanderer: Some Hivers, usually Hiveless, have adapted to their independence. They lose the Hive Mind trait, but gain a +2 racial bonus on Survival and Knowledge (local) checks.