The Great Crevasse


The Great Crevasse is a remarkable feature of Aralla, formed by the Great Rumble in 900 AC. It is an enormous canyon, measuring approximately 1100 miles across, and spanning about 200 miles wide. Its vast expanse and incredible depth make it awe-inspiring and treacherous. Located between Southern Calimshan and the northern territory of Kymos it stands out as the main consequence of the Rumble. The earthquake, so potent that it tore the land asunder, resulted in this colossal chasm that stretches far into the depths of Aralla. The depth of the crevasse is uncertain, but is believed to plunge miles and miles into the Underdark.   The walls of the Crevasse are sheer and imposing, with jagged cliffs and rocky outcroppings lining the edges, showcasing the rugged beauty of the terrain. Waterfalls from underground springs and nearby rivers plummet into the abyss below. The sheer size of the canyon presents numerous challenges for anyone trying to enter or cross it. Bridges and rope systems have been made in some areas, allowing adventurers to travel across or down to some areas.

Fauna & Flora

In the Great Crevasse, both mundane and magic flora and fauna coexist, adapted to the unique challenges of the canyon and it's connection to the Underdark. Covering the walls in some areas are Abyss Vines, twisted and resilient, these dark vines thrive in the depths. They possess magical growth, and seemingly anchor themselves perfectly with no need for structure, and can grown large and at astonishing rates. The Crevasse is filled to the brim with magical beasts, serving as the new apex predators of the region. Crevasse Raptors, predatory bird-like beings with sharp talons and keen sight stalk the upper layers and Underdark Striders, spider-like magical beasts that burrow and make nests in the walls of the canyon.
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