The Monad


  The Monad is "being" that represents the transcendental undersoul of all life and the supreme oneness between the aeons and the universe itself. Less a being than an ancient design omnipresent across all creation, the Monad is described by the aeons as simultaneously the void that predated existence, the cosmos itself, the future infinity, and the truth that binds existence, and is equated to both the cosmic light of the Tree of Life and the consuming Void. The Monad is fixated upon the cosmic status quo. It seems content as long as the planes are in balance, but its aeon minions police the cosmos according to a design described as slightly out of synchronization with that of the gods. For this reason, it is speculated that the Monad seeks to recreate a previous existence through subtle, alien nudges. The Monad boasts no temples and counts few followers, and only those rare few mortal worshippers who approach an aeon's selflessness and detachment can hope to receive divine magic from it. They often experience flashes of insight and directives, like fledgeling aeons, and aid the aeon's work in preserving balance, usually focusing on an imbalance that common aeons do not oversee. Many of the Monad's followers are famous scholars who exert their influence to recruit new members and advance their goals, or judges and lawyers particularly capable of seeking a balance between both sides of a conflict. Because the Monad is a very distant patron (it is unknown if the Monad is even aware of its devotees), its followers often follow the guidance of lesser aeons; many are particularly adept at questioning them and interpreting their responses.  

Divine Domains

Artifice, Darkness, Knowledge, Void  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - None   Holy Animal - None   Holy Colors - None   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Spiral galaxy  

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Ensure balance between opposing forces, mediate disagreements   Anathema - Allow your personal motivations to determine a major decision
Divine Classification
Rank 24 Overgod
Absolute Neutrality
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Condition of All"