The Sere


Originally a large valley in the central of Calimshan, the Sere is now among one of the many Sicklands of Aralla. It is characterized by murky, stagnant water; dense vegetation; and marshy terrain. Crisscrossed by tangled vines, hidden sinkholes and monster dens, navigation is difficult and dangerous for anyone venturing deep in the swamp. The Sere is primarily known for its levels of radiation, much lower than normal and not as saturated as most on Aralla. In addition, the Sere is infused with wild magic, creating unpredictable and volatile issues when spells are cast or magic items are used in the area. The wild magic can also cause sudden changes in the region, such as the growth of enchanted or magical plantlife, or the emergence of magical creatures.

Fauna & Flora

The Sere is home to many flora and fauna that have adapted to the conditions of the radiation and wild magic of the swamp. Mutated and damaged species of plants, like glowing poisonous fungi, carnivorous vines, cover the landscape alongside mundane plants. The fauna includes creatures affected by both radiation and wild magic, resulting in mutated magical beings, ranging from creatures with extra limbs, gigantism, or animals with natural spellcasting ability.


In centuries past, the Sere was a fertile valley, terrorized by the Gnoll Wars and the Weeping War but always bouncing back and being resettled by farmers and slave drivers.   Although the exact nature of why the Sere was corrupted is not known to the public, it was the awakening of an ancient tomb of warriors; soldiers of the Court of Shadows, that triggered it. A group of adventurers, traveling through the Sere soon after the Great Rumble of 900 AC stumbled upon a reformed cell of this ancient army and took it upon themselves to destroy the psionic knights who threatened the cities in the area. After a long adventure, the heroes raided the tomb, and in the ensuing battle, the tomb's power supply was ruptured, destroying the evil knights. It then began leaking radioactive wild magic throughout the landscape and infusing the valley itself, while also killing almost all of the adventurers. Crisis struck Calimshan, as the Sere began rapidly spreading and destroying towns, costing thousands of lives before another mercenary group braved the Sere's Heart and sealed the reactor, ceasing the spread for good.   Only a short period ago, the Coltherstone Yshahnate on the edge of the Sere, ruled by one of The Seven, saints reincarnated in times of great evil, was utterly destroyed by a pre-calamity artifact, tainting the whole of the land and it being declared part of the Sere officially. Since then, the Seven have been off the grid, assumedly working in secret.


Major Landmarks in the Region -   The Sere is dotted with pools of luminescent water, shimmering and glowing with radiance. These pools are the result of radioactive water infused with wild magic, causing things that enter them to emit a soft, otherworldly light and to emit other magical properties.   Rising above the swampland, out of the range of the radiation and wild magic is an old druidic circle, Watcher's Peak. A solitary hill that provides a vantage point overlooking the north end of the Sere. It is said by some travelers and at certain times, watchers from atop the peak can glimpse the past or even the future within the swirling mists around the peak.
Wetland / Swamp
Location under
Owning Organization