
The Wychlaran, meaning "wise old women" in the Rashemi language, also known as the Witches of Rashemen outside their lands, were the spiritual leaders of Rashemen, communing with the spirits and guiding the souls of the Rashemi people.


The formal term for a member of this group was "hathran" ("learned sister"), while the most powerful and respected were called "othlor" ("true one"). In Rashemen, a member of the Wychlaran could do no wrong. Her word was law and to disobey it was punishable by death.


The most striking part of a Wychlaran's garb were the Rashemi witch-masks, properly called the face-veils of the Wychlaran Rashemaar or asatheirr, meaning "world-face." These masks varied in design, but most that covered the upper half of the wearer's face were very old, by the 1200 AC newer designs tended to cover most or all of the face. Most were large enough to cover the sides of a witch's face and had ear-openings on each side for ease of wearing. The masks also had eye holes and nose slits that allowed the wearer to breathe easily due to the mask's shape.
Religious, Coven