Yhidothrus (Yid-do-thrus)

Formerly the Loa of the Wormfolk (Vermlek), his transformation turning the majority of his race into demons. Yhidothrus is the demon lord of time, age, and erosion. A being full of hate, he is concerned with everything wrong about time and the process of aging: the destructive power of erosion and entropy's ability to bring all to naught. Human cultists of the Ravager Worm tend to be an isolated few: loners fearful of old age desperate to prevent its ravages by turning to the worship of demons, and becoming liches or worms that walk. Liches of Yhidothrus tend to have a more disgusting appearance than normal ones: wetter and more worm-eaten. Yhidothrus' cultists are afraid of their patron, and rarely dare contact him or call upon his powers.

Divine Domains

Chaos (including Demon and Entropy), Death (including Murder), Evil (including Demon), Repose (including Ancestors)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Spiked chains   Holy Animal - Worm   Holy Colors - Black, pale yellow   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Black, pale yellow

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Stave off the end   Anathema - Die young
Divine Classification
Corrupted Demon Loa
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Ravager Worm", "Lord of Time"
Circumstances of Birth
Transformation by Abyssal Well