War of the Sands Military Conflict in Aralyon | World Anvil
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War of the Sands

Zuldraneth was a extreme desert region in the country of Eversun, until the Zhekhei people of that region fought for independence of their lands.

The Conflict


The escalation started when the Zhutalord of Zuldraneth declared her intent to break away her kingdom after fierce discrimination from the higher-ups in the Eversun government, things like denying aid and ignoring the Zhutalord's comments on bad policy choices and obvious power grabs. However, the Tavir of Eversun, a greedy and power-hungry man, retaliated angrily, not wanting to lose any of his land or his power, and the Zuldraneth region cut across Eversun from coast to coast, separating the north Eversun from the south. Without that land, trade would be forced to use water transport or ask permission from Zuldraneth for passage across the desert. The Tavir made the first move.

The Engagement

The war lasted just barely over a year and ended with the Zhekhei being victorious, despite their much smaller forces. Eversun flanked Zuldraneth, so the main forces in the south would bolster the northern forces by adding numbers via Aborcona's Fang. Zuldraneth never feared getting flanked, however. The Ufiri soldiers may have been trained to fight in deep, loose sand, but the Zhekhei warriors had the ability to travel under that loose sand, and normal Ufiri battle tactics were nullified when the Zhekhei could grab the enemy from beneath and pull, trapping bodies and smothering them.


With the harsh desert now under the control of the Zhekhei, and trade across the land under narrow restrictions, most trade within Eversun from north to south has to be taken by water. Ships will either skirt the west coast, or depart from the port city Hasifi at the tip of Aborcona's Fang to cross the Cobalt Bay.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Zuldraneth gained independence

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Jul 28, 2019 20:15 by William Belley

Nice read. Did the owners took advantage of this control of water by asking heavy taxes to pass it ?   Happy Summercamp !