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Kavmahl (ca-v-mall)

Grand Chieftain Kavar Woundmaker (a.k.a. The Earthbreaker)

Kavmahl Earthbreaker is a terrifying and vicious warlord, credited with the deaths of over hundreds of thousands during his reign of tyranny. The Sunderer's throne lies across the Nymarran Desert on the continent of Ashar, under the iron fist of the Woundmaker Tribe. Originally Kavar, a Goliath tribesman of the Wisewarrior tribe, Kavar quickly became a fearful and powerful warrior. Impatient with his chieftain's lackadaisical approach to expansion, raiding, and warfare he challenged him to combat. Kavar tore Chief Wisewarrior's head from his shoulders, and split his body in two with his bare hands. To cement his reign, he had the Wisewarrior family and any who would for even a moment question his rule, slaughtered.   Chief Kavmahl Woundmaker would launch a bloody and terrible war across much of Ashar. The continent was set ablaze, as the Earthbreaker would carve out his realm. Responsible for the fall of half a dozen nations, Kavmahl became the most fearsome being in Arameia. The Timeless Empire of Myrrteek was one of the few to stem the tide, but did little to help its neighbors.   Kavmahl's eyes turned Eastward, hearing rumors of a noble kingdom of warriors. The Earthbreaker's invasion of the Kingdom of Kasimir was merciless, slaughtering over a third of the population and ending the noble line of kings. This was not without cost, as Kavmahl was horrendously wounded; his left arm and an eye were carved from his body by the Kasimiran King. Rumors of Kavmahl's demise reached back to Ashar, and his lands erupted in rebellion. This forced him to retreat from Dumera, to lick his wounds and re-establish his rule over the rebellious tribes.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Unknown (Presumably leading the Woundmaker Tribe)
Year of Birth
477 AoS 91 Years old
[Symbol of Kavmahl's Warband]


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