Gem ferret

A glimmer in the darkness

Within the obsidian night of the mountain caves,forever shrouded in darkness, there lives a rare and mythical creature, a shimmering light in the darkest of places: the Gem Ferret. Shy and elusive, a living wave of shimmering blue crystals, it glides and flows through the treacherous mountain caves dominated by giant spiders.  


  The Gem Ferret is rarely seen by humans, and even then most would mistake it for a spectre, a dancing apparition in the depths of the earth. Instead of a fur like its ordinary namesakes, its whole skin consists of delicate blue crystals, shimmering and glowing in cascades of azure fire and light. But this is far more than just a hard shell; these creatures possess remarkable control over their luminiscent crystals. Softly glowing, the gems seem to pulse in gentle, dancing rhythms that quicken and flash when they meet others of their kin.
And if anyone corners one of these elusive hunters, the mesmering display of a dancing blue glow flares into a blinding inferno, a blue nova that sears shadows and sight alike.  


  While not numerous or exceedingly dangerous, the gem ferret makes up for it intelligence and agility. They explore their habitat thoroughly—winding passages, hidden waterfalls, and glittering caves—a Gem Ferret knows every nook and cranny.
This is not only to gather food - which consists of a diet of lichen, bugs and spider eggs - but because they are naturally curious. They live in tight-knit families or maybe four to six ferrets that venture out into the dark on their own, only to return at night - seemingly sharing their exploits with each other.  


Far below the earth,in a realm of perpetual twilight and darkness ,the Gem Ferret’s home is a labyrinth of caves and tunnels, filled with crevices, spiderwebs, and sights no human eye will ever witness. The crystal-studded walls of the deeper caves seem to dance with the ferret's glow, a hidden world of beauty and danger that few have ever glimpsed.  

Importance to the People

  As far as most of the kaharan people are concerned, the gem ferret does not exist at all. Only a few silk hunters claim to have seen the elusive animal—a fleeting blue glow, a searing flash in the depths of the caves, followed by the eerie shriek of a giant spider. These tales are often dismissed as drunken ramblings, yet, among the Silk Hunters , whispers persist of closer encounters. But if this is just a delvers tale or hold a kernel of truth remains a mystery.
In the depths of the earth,
a light dances,
a forlorn soul’s hope,
a shining crystal.

Excerpt from "Desert dreams" by Alhira Al'kar
Rumours and sayings
I may not have seen it myself, but I swear by the seven winds, I witnessed its glow. Deep within the heart of the caves, a soft blue light appeared, dancing across the walls, was just gone.
Overheard in tavern near Shi'lar
Just another fanciful tale from those who sip too much spiced wine and let their imaginations run wild.
Drashid Li'mdri, Scholar


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Jul 15, 2024 20:17 by Carolyn McBride

Sharp skin of crystals aside, they sound like a brilliant creature! (Pardon the pun...)

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Aug 5, 2024 17:50 by Han


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Aug 6, 2024 01:39 by Keon Croucher

First off as a ferret owner. Majestic. Majestic I want 10 million of them forever.   These are such amazing and interesting creatures, and I love you kept that unique social aspect about them. Ferrets are very much social animals, which a lot of people often get wrong, to the detriment of ferrets in real life. They have a strong social structure. They are also very quiet, stealthy creatures, and thus I can see how these fine and beautiful creatures would be as well. I love they are like specters and ghosts, almost a myth in many ways.   Overall a great article, I loved it very much.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Aug 7, 2024 09:08

Thank you so much - I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did some research before writing these and hearing that I got them right from a ferret owner warms my heart. If I ever find one, I'll send him/her to you.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 6, 2024 11:10

It does make me wonder if the Gem ferret either naturally forms this gem coat or if it's a situation that the gems form from its environment. Seems to be the former at least with the way it apparently acts as a way of communication. Would such flashing also be used to deter any threats too? Like a method of disorientation before they retreat.   Great article overall!

Aug 7, 2024 09:06

Glad you enjoyed meeting the gem ferret! As for your questions - the crystals forming is most likely the former theory, but since they are so rarely observed nobody knows for sure. There might be a warning being communicated, but usually the gem ferrets are too elusive to bother - and if cornered there is usally a searing blue light, a moment of blindness - and the gem ferret is gone.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 10, 2024 03:21 by Paul

Guess I should put on my sunglasses if I want to sell gem pelts. No wait, walking through a cave with sunglasses on is an affront to aesthetics that I cannot stand! You win this time gem ferret.

Join the brave skysailors of Linebound!
Aug 13, 2024 22:45 by Secere Laetes

Schöne Tiere. Mir gefällt es, dass es auf der einen Seite eigentlich mystische Kreaturen sind, aber zur Abwechslung eben nicht superstark, etc. Außerdem hätte ich so etwas bei einer protective anatomy wirklich nicht erwartet. Ich meine, ein Edelsteinfrettchen. Einfach höchst kreativ und dann noch schön beschrieben und mit einem sehr passenden Bild. Danke.

Aug 30, 2024 16:31

I think I don‘t want to meet one of them. Entering a spider infested cave is certainly not on my to-do-list …

Sep 6, 2024 07:57

Love these critters, I really like the addition of the rumours too! Their appearance makes me imagine a sound similar to a windchime when they run.

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