Ka'sharian Lion

The Lions of Ka'shar are rare solitary ambush predators only encountered in the vast steppes. These magnificent beasts can grow to nearly two meters in length and 500 pounds of pure, unbridled muscle. With mottled fur and magnificent manes, males and females are almost indistinguishable from each other. Their giant jaws are filled with sharp teeth and extremely sharp incisors, which can easily penetrate even scale mail.   The Ka'sharian lions are known for their intelligence and cunning. They stalk their prey for days or even weeks, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Nomad tribes swear that the lions can even outsmart their traps and baits and many a hunter has fallen prey to these apex predators. But still they try to hunt them, for there is no greater proof of cunning than to slay a Ka'sharian Lion.   A warrior who manages to track and slay one of these beasts is considered chosen by destiny and is allowed to wear a fearsome headgear made from the fur and skull of the creature. However, even the greatest warriors of the steppe have been unable to best a Ka'sharian Lion without sustaining serious injuries.


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