
The Ka'shyra, a hybrid of ox and bison bred by the Kaharan people, navigates steep, rocky paths with powerful legs, the sound of its hooves echoing through narrow passes. This hybrid of ox and bison, bred over decades by the Kaharan people, is a steadfast beast of burden, revered for its strength and endurance. Laden with heavy loads, it strides through snow and ice, its thick, tawny coat shielding it from the biting cold. Its breath forms clouds in the crisp mountain air, each step steady and su  


The Ka'shyra is a sight to behold, a robust and sturdy beast with thick strings of muscle that speak of its formidable heritage. Its thick coat, usually rich and earthy brown, provides warmth against the biting mountain cold. The creature’s horns, though shorter and less curved than those of a bison, are strong and capable of fending off any would-be predators. The Ka'shyra’s muscular frame and broad shoulders make it perfectly suited for carrying heavy loads. Its powerful build belies its ability to manage even inclines that are otherwise only approached by mountain goats.  


The Ka'shyra is known for its calm and docile nature, making it a manageable and reliable companion. However, it possesses a stubborn streak akin to a mule, a trait that can test the patience of even the most patient handlers. When it feels overburdened or tired, the Ka'shyra may refuse to move, standing its ground with stoic determination only rivaled by the mountains themselves. Despite this, the Ka'shyra is a social creature, often found in small herds, and it forms strong bonds with its handlers. Its adaptability allows it to navigate the steep and rocky terrain with ease, and its steady, patient demeanor makes it an ideal companion for long journeys through the mountains.  

Uses for the People

For the Kaharan people living near the mountains the Ka'shyra is more than just a beast of burden; it is companion, mount and sometimes even shelter. While primarily used for transporting goods, it is also quite capable of ploughing fields. The Ka'shyras ability to carry heavy loads for long distances without tiring makes it indispensable for trade and travel. It is a key component of caravans that traverse the mountains, ensuring the safe and efficient movement of goods. Additionally, the Ka'shyra provides milk and meat, nourishing the people, and its hide can be fashioned into clothing and shelter.


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Aug 15, 2024 22:30 by Secere Laetes

Hm, eine gute Idee, zumindest kann ich mir wirklich gut vorstellen, dass das funktioniert. Außerdem stelle ich mir das äußerst stimmungsvoll vor. Allerdings fehlt mir so ein bisschen der Hintergrund in dem Fall. Wie kamen sie dazu, das zu probieren? Was wollten sie genau vom Ochsen/Bullen, was vom Bison? Außerdem würde mich interessieren, ob der Ka'shyra untereinander fruchtbar sind oder ob sie immer wieder neu gezüchtet werden müssen. Ansonsten bricht es im ersten Satz leider ab. Aber okay, so was ist mir beim Sommer Camp leider auch passiert. So nen Ärger immer.