Kash'arian Warhorn Item in Aran'sha | World Anvil

Kash'arian Warhorn

Made of crudely hammered copper or bronze, the heads of these warhorns often resemble wild animals or terryfying faces. Their deafening, bone-rumbling sound can be heard echoing miles across the steppe and hearing scores of them from beyond the horizon strikes terror in the heart of the most courageous warrior.  

In Battle

  They are carried by battle-hardened gnoll warriors, their gnarled shoulders hunched with muscles. Every mighty blast from these horns unleashes chaos and dread, or even outright madness, among enemy formations or plants despair in their hearts. In battle, the fearless gnoll musicians charge onward, right next to the thick of the enemy, for while the sound is potent, its effect grows even more devastating the closer one is to the source.  

Enchantment of the Horns

  Besides their bone-rumbling sound and fearsome look, these horns are usually enchanted in a night-long ritual before battle that involves the whole clan. The shamans call upon the wild animals and the spirits of their ancestors - depending on the rituals used and the animal invoked, their effect in battle changes. While many look down upon the magic invoked, its effects cannot be dismissed.
Item type
Musical Instrument


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