Lina Mi'khadir

“In the heart of the desert,” the young woman begins, her voice gentle, a whisper of a desert breeze through ancient dunes “there lies a secret, buried deep beneath the sands…”
Lina Mi'khadir is a vision of youthful grace, her attire a blend of practicality and elegance. She wears a flowing robe of deep indigo, embroidered with intricate patterns of gold that catch the sunlight. A single earring, fashioned to look like a single peacock feather, gleams in her right ear.Around her neck hangs a delicate silver pendant in the shape of a crescent moon, glinting softly with each movement.   A child of two worlds, her face is a canvas of contrasts: smooth, olive skin that speaks of her desert heritage, and eyes as green as the oases hidden within the sands. Often, her dark curls are tied back with a simple ribbon, but when she wears them openly, they cascade naturally around her face, highlighting her features with a warm, effortless beauty. Lina’s smile, warm and inviting, lights up her face, drawing people closer as if they were moths to a flame.   When she begins to speak, her voice, a rich and resonant melody, weaves through the air like a gentle breeze, carrying the sweet scent of blooming jasmine and the warmth of the desert sun. It's unique timbre, a blend of softness and strength dances amongst her audience, sharing the subtlest emotions and the grandest adventures with equal share.
Her voice, when she sings, is a marvel in itself. It can be as soft as a lullaby, soothing and gentle, or as powerful as a storm, commanding and fierce. When she tells a tale of sorrow, her voice drops to a hushed whisper, each word heavy with emotion. When she speaks of victories and triumph, her voice rises, clear and bright, like the ringing of a bell, a clarrion call of hope and joy.
  Lina doesn’t just tell stories; she lives them, her every gesture and expression bringing her tales to life. Her hands move gracefully, painting pictures in the air, while her eyes sparkle with the magic of the worlds she describes. Her words paint vivid pictures of distant lands and forgotten times, of heroes and heroines, of love and loss.   Lina’s stories are not just entertainment to her; they are a lifeline to her past, a way to preserve the history and culture of her people. She travels from village to village, city to city, her oud slung over her shoulder, ready to share her tales with anyone willing to listen. Her songs and stories are filled with the wisdom and of the ages, yet they are told with the brazen freshness and enthusiasm only the young posess.   In the quiet moments between her performances, Lina seeks out new stories among those she meets. She listens with an open heart, her green eyes never wavering while she listens and learns. In her belief, every person has a story worth telling, and she is determined to be the one to tell it.
Verdant green
Black, curly locks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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Aug 9, 2024 04:12

This beautifully crafted character description of Lina Mi'khadir is rich with vivid imagery and poetic language, bringing her to life in a way that is both enchanting and deeply immersive. The contrast between her desert heritage and her vibrant personality is wonderfully portrayed, making her a compelling and memorable figure. The lyrical quality of the writing, especially in the descriptions of her voice and storytelling, captures the reader's imagination, painting a picture of a storyteller whose words have the power to transport audiences to distant lands. Lina's dedication to preserving her people's history through her stories adds a layer of depth and purpose to her character, making her not just a teller of tales, but a keeper of culture and wisdom. This piece beautifully balances elegance and emotion, making Lina a character that readers are sure to remember.

Aug 22, 2024 10:42

Thank you so much!

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 15, 2024 23:45 by Secere Laetes

Eine wirklich schöne Beschreibung von Lina inklusive dem "warum" sie Geschichten erzählen möchte. Und das scheint sie wirklich äußerst gut zu können, weit entfernt vom Standard. Gefällt mir gut, aber ich hätte mir etwas mehr Hintergrund gewünscht zu ihr als Person. Warum ist sie etwa das Kind zweiter Welten? Weil sie aus der Stadt und der Wüste ist? Oder sind die Eltern aus sehr unterschiedlichen Regionen? Das wäre schon schön zu wissen - oder mich würde es zumindest freuen.

Aug 22, 2024 10:42

Yes, I'm not quite done yet with Lina - she'll get some additions once the reading challenge is done. Glad you liked her!

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 25, 2024 10:12

I asked myself the same question as Secere: What is the second world? I‘d love to learn more about her history. How did she became who she is now? Why did she become a story teller? Looking forward to the update.