Mirah Al'kadir

The prince of beasts

The old man, a wanderer who introduced himself as Aran Al'habir, beckons you over to the crackling campfire. Clad in wide white robes and a frayed brown turban, only a single silver clasp of a crane with blue sapphire eyes adorns his simple garb.
His flowing beard and sky-blue eyes, sparkling with wisdom and joy, reflect the flickering shadows cast by the fire’s warmth on his weathered face. His voice, deep and resonant, carries the weight of ancient secrets and timeless truths as he begins to tell his tale:  
Gather around, gather around, my friends. Tonight, beneath the moon’s silver veil, I shall weave for you a tapestry of wonder, spun from stardust and longing - a tale that transcends time. Listen closely, for within these words lies a gift of knowledge - of a love that was not to be and the plights of mortal minds.   In ancient times, when this kingdom was still young and the stars whispered secrets to the earth, there lived a prince blessed by the moon goddesses themselves.
A noble of the great houses, Mirah possessed a rare and wondrous gift—he could harness the spirit of any beast, whether it roamed the land, soared through the skies, or swam the depths of the seas.
He was much beloved by his people, for his power was not merely a gift but a divine symbol of the gods’ favor, a beacon of hope and strength.   Yet, Mirah’s heart grew bitter with loneliness, for he believed that none could truly understand the heavy burden he bore. He longed for a companion, a kindred soul who would see beyond his powers and love him for who he truly was, regardless of the form he chose.
  One fateful day, a great war between the houses broke out - and Mirah joined the battle. As their armies clashed in a storm of steel and sorcery within the great desert, he fought ferociously, his form shifting from a mighty lion to a majestic eagle, from cunning serpent to ferocious wolf.
Amidst the chaos, he met a brave warrior named Ilari. She was a vision of strength and grace, with raven hair flowing like a banner in the wind and gleaming brown eyes that shone with determination and compassion. Her armor, battered and worn, gleamed with the pride of countless battles fought and won.
She fought valiantly by his side, her spirit as fierce as any beast he could become. Within the heat of battle, they forged a bond, a silent understanding that transcended words.
  Aran Al’habirs voice grows more resonant, each word imbued with a deep, almost hypnotic cadence. His eyes, once warm and inviting, narrow with intensity as he describes the fierce battle. The flickering firelight casts shadows on his face, dancing among the lines and creases that speak of a life well lived.  
But tragedy struck. In the heat of battle, Ilari was mortally wounded. In anguish, Mirah shifted into his mortal form, shedding his divine powers to become just a simple man. He knelt beside her, feeling her lifeblood seep away into the sands. Looking at him, eyes full of wonder, longing, and pain, she whispered one final truth, carried to him on her final breath:  
“The greatest form you ever held was your own.”
    As his tears fell on the blood-soiled sands, Prince Mirah finally understood. He had looked for a home among the beasts, only to find it in the fleeting touch of a human. The realization came too late, and the weight of his powers felt like a curse rather than a blessing.
  In the end, the battle was won and his people rejoiced, unaware of the cost their prince has paid. Mirah returned to his kingdom, forever changed by Ilari’s words.
Though he continued to rule his people with wisdom and compassion, never again did laughter touch his eyes. He wandered the palace gardens, gazing at the moons, his heart shattered, leaving only echoes of regret and the bitter taste of things that could have been.
  The storyteller’s pauses, as the weight of the story to settles over you. The firelight flickers amongst the dunes, and the crane’s gem eyes on his turban seem to blink in agreement. His voice, now a mere whisper full of compassion, carries the final words of his story like a gentle breeze:  
Remember this well, my friends:
"True strength lies not in grand powers or borrowed shapes, but accepting who you truly are."
Mirah Al'kadir, prince of beasts
The Veil of the Beast

The existence of Mirah Al’kadir remains shrouded in mystery, though many fervently believe in his legend.
It is said that within some noble families, the wondrous gift of transforming into different beasts still flows through their bloodline.
Yet, even among these blessed souls, the power to assume the form of more than two beasts has never been witnessed.


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Aug 14, 2024 21:29 by Secere Laetes

Tragisch... aber gegen Tragik habe ich nichts. Positiv betrachtet hat er seine Seelenverwandte und große Liebe, wenn man so will, zumindest getroffen. ... Okay, ich kann fies sein. Aber anderen ist nicht einmal das vergönnt. Jedenfalls ein schöner Prompt, wenn ich ihm auch eine Wandlung zum Besseren, nicht in gewisser Weise schlechterem gewünscht hätte.