
In the heart of the vast desert, lies a realm of pure, blinding white . This area, the final sigh of long-lost seas, stretches endlessly towards the horizon, a shimmering ocean of diamonds beneath the relentless gaze of the sun. For countless millennia, the merciless dance of sun and wind has stolen the last breaths of water, leaving behind only the ghostly memories of forgotten oceans. The silence here is all-encompassing, broken only by the occasional murmur of the wind, carrying with it the faint, distant echoes of waves long past.  

The Landscape

Standing within the saltflats one can see only an endless expanse of glistening white. Beneath the unforgiving desert sun, the salt crystals sparkle like a million tiny stars, a mesmerizing and almost otherworldly landscape that conceals the dangers it harbors.
The air above the flats shimmers with heat, a dancing mirage that has led many a wanderer astray. The heat is palpable, a tangible, opressing force that presses down on the skin, while the dry air carries away even the slightest hint of moisture from the lips.
At dawn and dusk, the grounds transform into an ethereal realm of wonders, a reflection of the sky’s hues in a breathtaking display of pinks, oranges, and purples.  


Each day, as the first light of dawn kisses the horizon, weary salt gatherers embark on their arduous journey into the vast, shimmering salt flats. Armed with wide-bladed scrapers, they tread carefully across the blinding expanse, their silhouettes casting long shadows on the crystalline ground. With practiced precision, they harvest the precious white crystals, each scrape part of a grueling, backbreaking day.
Once collected, the raw salt is transported to nearby camps, be it by camel or in back-carried reed baskets. Here, it is cautiously washed to remove any impurities with precious water, a resource as rare as the salt itself.
Once the raw salt has been washed and cleansed of impurities, the resulting brine is poured into drying beds, carefully constructed from clay and sand. Great care is taken that the salt is evenly distributed, allowing the sun’s rays to reach every crystal. As the temperature soars, the intense heat begins to work its magic - so much that the drying beds can only be handled with long, wooden sliders.
  The drying process is equal parts art and a science. The gatherers watch the salt closely, turning it periodically to ensure even drying. This vigilance prevents clumping and ensures that each crystal retains its purity and brilliance. The sun’s rays, fierce and unyielding, evaporate any remaining moisture quickly, leaving behind only pure, glistening salt crystals, the true diamonds of the desert.
When the sun finally sets and the desert cools, the dried salt is gathered and carefully inspected under the light of the twin moons.
The salt is then packaged with great care, often in sacks made from kaharan silk to better protect it from the elements. These sacks are then loaded onto camels that brought great barrels of water for the refining process, ready to embark on their return journey across the desert, carrying the prized salt to markets and ports both near and far.


Salt is a cornerstone of the Kaharan economy, playing a pivotal role to keep the sultanates coffers filled. Caravans burdened with sacks of glittering salt traverse the vast desert, following ancient trade routes that have been used for centuries. These routes connect the remote outposts in the saltflats to the bustling cities and ports of Ri'kahar.

These caravans are a sight to behold, long lines of camels laden with precious cargo, bells jingling softly in the desert wind. The journey across the desert is arduous, but the rewards for that risk are immense.
Kaharan salt, harvested from the pristine saltflats, is renowned for its purity and quality, making it a highly sought-after commodity in markets far and wide.
Be it port or bustling marketplace, the arrival of a salt caravan is a major event, drawing crowds of buyers and traders who come to negotiate and purchase this valuable resource.



  In the kitchens of Aran’sha, salt is found everywhere - and in a multitude of flavors, be it pure, mixed with spices or even smoked. It is also used to preserve food, ensuring that meats, fish, and vegetables can be stored for long periods without spoiling. This is crucial during travels in the harsh desert climate where fresh produce is scarce. Salt also a component of many traditional dishes, bringing out the rich, complex tastes that are a source of kaharan pride. From savory stews to delicate pastries, kaharan salt is used everywhere.
  Beyond its culinary applications, salt is also used by many healers. Salt solutions are applied to wounds to prevent infection and promote healing. Inhalation of salt-infused steam is a common remedy for coughs and headaches. Additionally, if one can afford them, salt baths in bathhouses are used to alleviate muscle aches and sore backs after hard days.
In rituals and ceremonies, salt symbolizes purity, protection, and prosperity. During important life events such as births, weddings, and funerals, salt is often used to bless and protect individuals. It is sprinkled around homes and fields to ward off evil spirits and ensure good fortune.


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Aug 11, 2024 15:56

Another wonderfully poetic article that takes us on a magical journey and is a feast for all the senses. I like the wonderful landscape that you paint with words. However, in the long run it can become too much and you have to be careful that the reader might get bored. Nevertheless, congratulations, with your fantastic poetry your article has made it into my top 10 for the material.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 13, 2024 23:36 by Secere Laetes

"Salt solutions are applied to wounds to prevent infection and promote healing" - bekommen die auch Schmerzmittel dazu? Aua. Jeder, der mal in einer Salztherme mit der kleinsten Verletzung war (oder in der Küche regelmäßig mit Salz hantiert), weiß, was ich meine. Selbst wenn es heilsam ist. Aber schöne Idee, für den Prompt "schlicht" Salz zu verwenden. Aber für dein Wüstenreich ist es eben auch sehr wichtig und ja, ist früher ja auch äußerst wertvoll gewesen.

Aug 30, 2024 14:42

If salt keeps the sultanates coffers filled, is salt owned by the sultan and therefore the trading rights? or is there a tax on salt, which leads to the income? Anyhow, another really lovely article from you.