Sandstone Pendant

The Sun’s Gentle Touch


The Sandstone Pendant is a simple piece of jewelry, crafted from a smooth piece of sandstone found deep within the desert, set into a simple bronze setting. The polished stone reflects the warm, earthy tones of the desert. The pendant’s surface is etched with delicate patterns that seem to shift and change with the light. When held up to the sun, the stone glows softly , casting a warm, golden light that feels almost alive. It is bound with a sturdy leather cord , that, though rough to the touch, softly smells of the southern winds, a mix of sun-baked earth and spices from distant lands.  

Magical Effect

Despite its unassuming appearance, the pendant holds subtle protective magic. It creates a gentle aura that makes extreme temperatures more bearable, cooling the wearer during the scorching heat of the day and providing slight warmth during the frigid desert nights.
The cooling feels like a soft breeze on a hot day, while the warmth is akin to the comforting embrace of a campfire under the starry desert sky. In trying times. the sandstone also offers minor protection against the hottest of flamest, such as fire spells or scorching winds, making them the slightest bit more bearable.
For those few who can sense its aura, its magic is not overtly strong, but a gently warm light that feels like a soft dezert breeze, wrapping the wearer in a gentle cocoon.  


While not exceedingly rare, the gem itself is usually only found by accident. The stones are discovered buried beneath the sands, accompanied by an almost unexplainable twist of fate: a sudden glint of light in the sand, a gentle breeze that uncovers the stone, or an inexplicable pull towards a specific spot. Legends say that these pendants are gifts from the desert itself, bestowed upon those who show respect to the land and an understanding of the ancient ways.
Sandstone Pendants: cool breeze by day, warm hug by night!
Shira Ka'dir, Gnome Adventurer


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Aug 5, 2024 15:02 by Han

Oooh this is a cute concept! Does the size of the gem make any difference to the strength of its magic? Is there some special way they need to be polished?

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 7, 2024 11:01

So far, size does not seem to effect the potency of the stone's magic. And while there is no special way for polishing a sandstone, utmost care is taken to change to preserve the original size.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 14, 2024 22:50 by Secere Laetes

Schönes Konzept. Vor allem handelt es sich um so ein schönes alltägliches magisches Item, das das Leben gerade so ein wenig angenehmer macht... was einem in den betroffenen Situationen aber nach deutlich mehr vorkommt.

Aug 30, 2024 16:26

Those stones are beautiful indeed. Shira must be really lucky, if he/she found so many of them, that trading them is possible.