Shyli’an Jungle Fever

Shyli’an Jungle Fever is believed to originate in the dense, verdant jungles of Shyli’an, a region shrouded in wonders and mystery. According to legends, the fever was a curse cast by the vengeful spirit of the jungle, angered by the intrusion of humans into its domain. This territory, marked by ancient steles is said to hold the remnants of a long lost civilisation. Those who ventured too deep into its heart risked invoking the deity’s wrath.  

Symptoms and Progression

The fever manifests in stages, each more debilitating than the last. Initially, victims experience mild symptoms such as slight fatigue, splitting headaches, and a slight fever. As the illness progresses, more severe symptoms emerge, including intense chills, profuse sweating, and vivid hallucinations. These hallucinations often involve visions of the jungle, where sufferers feel hunted or helplessly lost within its bounds.   In the final stages, this causes a high fever, delirium, and a deep, unrelenting thirst that no amount of water can quench. Victims become disoriented and are often drawn back into the jungle, where they wander aimlessly until they collapse from exhaustion. Without intervention, Shyli’an Jungle Fever is almost always fatal.  

Treatment and Remedies

  Healers all over Ri'kahar have developed various remedies to combat Shyli’an Jungle Fever. Herbal concoctions made from rare jungle plants are believed to soothe the fever and alleviate symptoms. These plants, often found in the deepest parts of the very jungle that causes the fever, have been known for their potent medicinal properties. However, even these remedies can only alleviate the symptoms, allowing the victim’s body to fight the illness. It is said that if one can escape the terrible visions and hallucinations—whether by defeating the beast or finding a way out of the jungle—they will also defeat the sickness and recover quickly.   In addition to herbal treatments, spiritual rituals play a crucial role in the healing process. Clerics perform elaborate ceremonies to appease the jungle, seeking forgiveness and protection for the afflicted. These rituals often involve offerings of precious gems, incense, and sacred chants, the air thick with the scent of burning incense and praying chants.  

Cultural Impact

  The fear of Shyli’an Jungle Fever has shaped the way people interact with the jungle, fostering a cautious and respectful approach to all things jungle-related. Nonetheless, the legends of hidden treasures still draw adventurers like moths to a flame. Stories of brave souls who ventured into the jungle and returned with nothing but the fever’s horrors are passed down through generations, serving as cautionary tales for those who dare to explore the jungle’s depths.


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Aug 13, 2024 23:55 by Secere Laetes

Ein Fluch. Ja, die können es in sich haben, wenn ich an meine disease denke ^^. Finde ich gut, wie du es umsetzt, sowohl von den Symptomen her als auch der Heilung. Und die soziale Komponente, dass der Dschungel daher anders behandelt wird in vielen Fällen, rundet alles noch einmal ab.

Aug 25, 2024 10:28

This one confuses me a lot. So, you only get the fever if you are in the jungle. You can leave the jungle and it makes you return to it. The only true healing is by either killing a beast (what beast?) or by leaving the jungle? Wait, I thought it will make you return to the jungle, even if you escaped it? Maybe I just did not understand something right, but this confuses me …