Tales from Aran'sha - Summercamp Edition

A word of welcome

Copper-Badge [img:5650241] by Blue Fairy 74
Ahlan wa sahlan, my dear friends! Welcome to my little sandy corner of Summer camp. It's my first one and I have no idea what to expect, but I'm glad you will join me on my travels. I'm pretty much on a motivational high right now - mainly thanks to the achievements in competitions and Best of Worldanvil last month. I'm looking forward to a bunch of awesome articles from the community and my creative goblins are really excited to see all the prompts.

  As a prelude to my goals - I learned some lessons from Worldember - as the first official competition that was kind of intense for me. I tried to push trough all the prompts and that brought me closer to a burnout than I liked.
So this time, I will take a relaxed approach (you might have spotted camp chill on the right) and aim to give you the best stories and tales Aran'sha has to offer.    

Week 1 - Change

Assignment 1 - Changes? What Changes?

Consider what kind of changes would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

As with most worlds, there are a lot of things constantly changing within Aran'sha.
From the wild jungles to the northeast, the everchanging dunes of the great desert to the south and even the volcanic landscape to the west - all of these are about changes.
And we have not yet gotten to conflicts between nations, traders and river pirates! I probably have too many ideas for that - but we will see whats coming once I get specific prompts.
And since we are talking of change: Aran'sha itself is changing AGAIN! New Banner, new css and I think I got my article layout locked in now. (some people may have spotted a "tiny" difference already)
Assignment 2 - The Pledge

Based on this, decide how many prompts you'll go for during Summer Camp. Then, download the pledge document and fill it accordingly!

As you can see (if you squint really hard) I'll be going for a copper badge this year. I'll try to focus on quality and provide the best I can bring forward - and if I get more than 8 its another little success.
Assignment 3 - Tags and organisation

Get your categories and tags (and everything else) organized!

This is an area that is currently a bit neglected - I will have to reorder some things and shuffle them around to change that.
The categories are mostly set , but they still need excerpts and I really have to get some tags distributed. No worries, I can do that!
Assignment 4 - The Meta, always the Meta

Take a look at your meta, primer, and any other high-level document and update it according to the current state of your world.
  The Meta - I really have problems writing one and keep procrastinating on it. Yes, guilty as charged.
This time it might be time to take the plunge since Aran'sha is quite a bit more developed now. So, expect some upgrades in that area too!
Click here if you're want to see some ideas I have for articles on this theme

Changes - Article Ideas

  • The halls of rememberance - a place where the dead undergo a final change

  • Location
  • The alchemy quarter of Al'nahar, a place that is all about change and transformation
  • A primer for the everchanging desert landscape

  • Character
  • A herald of change, the first sultan of Ri'nahar
  • A wise oracle of the eastern tribes that strives to unite the scattered gnoll people and lead them into a brighter future

  • Organisation
  • The alchemists guild
  • More information and/or a guild for Ki'nashor - Mages of the Black stone, the magic shapers

  • Ritual
  • A coming of age ceremony for women/men

  • Species
  • A kind of blade grass, its soft leaves turn hard and bladelike during arid times to supplement their nutrients
  • A dweller of the ashen vastes that goes trough multiple life stages (big lizard maybe, something with scales)

  • Myth/Legend
  • The prince of Ka'hir- said to be able to change form on a whim
  • The fall of Harran - this article needs a revamp/rewrite

  • Magic
  • Sandmagic and its uses in Aran'sha
  • Also - stormshaping/wind magic

  • Document
  • The white path - a book guiding people to a life of kindness and respect

  • Profession  
  • Barbers - not only do they do hair and beards, they also have other areas of expertise
  • Gemcrafters - an important trade, they change normal gems into magical wonders

    Week 2

    Assignment 1 - Refuge from..what?

    Consider what kinds of refuge would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

    Refuge - another topic that sparks a dozen ideas at once. Refuge could be an organisation, a person, an item, a state of mind.
    There's near limitless potential here - and maybe we get up to something..spooky?
    Assignment 2 - Accountabillity? We don't have that here

    Find a community—whether that’s our Discord server, Facebook Group, your RPG or friend group, or something else.
    Im incredibly happy to announce my accountability buddy this time will be none other than Koragath, the author of Gokrenxia. I'm looking forward to work together and can't wait what we achieve!

    The Storytellers Circle and all its lovely people will also keep an eye on my progress and I'm one lucky storyteller to have them at my back.
    Assignment 3 - Going out ...in style

    Find ways to improve styling and layout in your world!

    Styling and layout were just redone - but there is always more to do! I'm on the lookout for a new "base" font and have some ideas for new containers that will hopefully work out. And to put a cherry on top, I think I'll go for borders next!
    Assignment 4 - CSSSSSSSSSSS

    If you’re a CSS wizard, maybe take the time now to give it a polish!
      Definitely not a CSS wizard, but I know enough to be dangerous to my world. I'm working on a new navigation menu and have a few improvements to the "books" lined up. Here's hoping that I can cobble it together somehow.
    At this point I want to add a BIG shoutout to the #CSS-Help Channel, the people there are phenomenal volunteers. If you're stuck, reach out to them.

    And a very special thanks goes out to Catoblepon for helping me out with CSS.
    Click here if you're want to see some ideas I have for articles on this theme

    Refuge- Article Ideas

  • A high spire, the home of the biggest Roc still alive

  • Location
  • A desert monastery, a final refuge for those plagued by their minds - administered by a gentle sect of monks
  • A cave system/jungle area, where the last remnants of the junglefolk live

  • Character
  • A single guardsman who sacrified himself s so the people of Al'rihar could take shelter (probably prose, might be a tad too dramatic)

  • Organisation
  • An organisation that helps smuggle people in and out of Al'nahar (for various reasons)

  • Ritual
  • A coming of age ceremony for women/men

  • Species
  • A rare creature that only exists within one single cave -the Gem Ferret
  • A kind of desert snail with a rocky shell

  • Myth/Legend
  • The brass lamp of Shi'rad - said to contain a paradise island within it for all who know the right phrase
  • The fall of Harran - what happened to the people who lived there?

  • Document
  • Safar Al'Tafur, a Journey of Reflection- said to enable the reader to enter their own mind in the form of a labyrinth
  • Nu'shafir, the Light of Thought - a treatise on inner enlightment

  • Profession
  • An army unit, protecting caravans and/or settlers
  • Bodyguard mages for the rich and powerful, specialised in protection and shielding (elemental?)

    Week 3

    Assignment 1 - Belief...that you can do it!

    Consider what kind of beliefs would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

    Well, if this isnt the perfect theme to finish a pantheon - Aran'sha has a manifold of beliefs. Belief in gods, in strange traditions (I will definitely list some of those) and even the "evil eye" that brings misfortune about braggarts and dishonest people. And then there are some religious sects that belief that enlightment comes from within - a belief in yourself. Something I'm gonna need for Summercamp too!
    Assignment 2 - Inspirations

    Create a bank of inspirations! Quotes, music, description of experiences and shower thoughts, etc.
      Oh, there's a lot here to unpack - way too much to list it all here. And to be fair, it deserves its own article. Suffice to say, its a strange melting pot of fantasy stories, Arabian nights, persian, mongolian, turkish, even indian culture...which I try to blend into a journey of discovery and wonder.
    Assignment 3 - A pictures says more than a thousand words

    Find art and pictures that inspire you, and grab a map if you don't have one (and need one)

    Guess what? I've been working on a map, however, I wont be able to finish it in time. And I'm gonna try and show some of the pictures that inspire me in the future...maybe a dreamscape gallery?
    Assignment 4 - Dreams of old

    ICheck your inspirations again. Are they still relevant? Can you find any that better represent the current state of your project?
      Aran'sha is not that old and as stated above - I still have to show some inspiration!
    Click here if you're want to see some ideas I have for articles on this theme

    Belief- Article Ideas

  • The ciggurats of Al'nahar and its firepits, where sacrifical tokens are burned in honour of the gods

  • Location
  • The great library of Al'nahar, a place that conserves all knowledge in the belief it may be useful some day
  • The great temple of the steppes, a temple made of marble not available in the area to an unknown god, long fallen into ruin,

  • Character
  • The background story of my DND character, a sun cleric named Tahir Ramani
  • The headmaster of the adventurers guild - still hoping to restore it to its former glory

  • Organisation
  • An article about clerics in Aran'sha

  • Ritual
  • Rites and Rituals for each god, depending on domains
  • Sky burials
  • The "Evil Eye" that strikes those that are to proud of themselves and its cultural effects

  • Pantheon
  • Well, actually the whole pantheon of Aran'sha
  • The Godess of Small things

  • Myth/Legend
  • A tale of persistance - a monk that spent his whole life meditating to open the heavens themselves
  • A city blessed by the gods that lost its way - ant its blessings, a cautionary tale

  • Document
  • A religious text handling burial instructions depending on cause of death

    Week 4

    Assignment 1 - Decay - for all things must come to an end

    Consider what kind of decay would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

    Did not expect that, but there's certainly something here I can work with: From the obvious mushroom (yes, I'll try to do one like everyone else) to crumbling cities and tombs (actually, the city of Harran could use a rework, especially the formating), to the jungles that reclaim a lost civilisations last remnants and the moral issues that arise in some of Al'nahars quarters. Lets see what the prompts show us!
    Assignment 2 - Optimal..environment?

    If you like special tea when you write, stock up for a month. Tidy your office, make a “do not disturb” sign, and think about any other last-minute strategies to optimize your writing space and time!
      Dates, spiced tea, assorted snacks - hey, I'm good on this one. Unfortunately being a dad does not allow for plenty of free time, but we will see how much I can do. :)
    Assignment 3 - Hook, line and sinker

    Review your world homepage to hook potential readers!

    Since we are talking about the hook. Would you like to see anything added/changed? I'm kinda in love with the current intro, but open for criticism/feedback. At this point I HAVE to mention that Aran'sha got an incredible 20 additional subscribers this month. My mind is completely blown and I want to thank every single one of you from the bottom of my heart.
    Assignment 4 - An Author and his tale

    Take a look at your author profile and pillar articles on your world and polish them!
      Well, I should really add to my author page, people won't find much about me there and its time to change that!
    Click here if you're want to see some ideas I have for articles on this theme

    Decay- Article Ideas

  • A battlefield in the desert, left to the elements and shrouded by the dunes

  • Location
  • The northern swamps and its plantlife, relentlessy defending itself against civilisation (altough not conciously - or ...conciously?)
  • A tavern of debauchery/fighting pit

  • Character
  • Daryn Ki'shadyr - A wise wizard, struck by a terrible plague, still looking for way to stem its progress

  • Organisation
  • The guild of the sunwalkers (WIP Name), the people that polish the bronze roofs of Al'nahar under terrible risks and their rituals

  •   Ritual
  • Takhliq Al'Hayat, the Rebirth of Life - A ritual of leaving behind one's old self to be reborn anew (unsure if symbolic or magical yet)
  • Isti'kha Al'Tanwir, the liberation of the mind - a ceremonial way to let go of old grudges and/or habits
  • A gnoll ritual that celebrates the end of life/feasting, for all things must end

  • Myth/Legend
  • A magic that is said to bring forth great power - however, this power wanes over time and does never stop waning

  • Material
  • A substance (probably mineral) that hurts any living thing it touches
  • And..thats it already, Homework is done.
    I have much to do until SC starts and ... I will add one additional pledge here:
    Everything I talked about, I WILL do if I dont finish it in time.

    Camp Chill Guidelines

  • Remember the prompts are suggestions, not requirements.
  • Write what you're passionate about, leave what you aren't.
  • Relax when you feel tired.
  • Fight off any pesky brain-squitos trying to make you doubt your work.
  • Don't abandon your non-summercamp goals! Write that article you're itching to write, even if it doesn't fit any prompts.

    A shield-shaped badge depicting a collection of cozy camping items -- gas stove, teapot, knapsack, teacup, and lantern -- with a ghostly figure hovering in the foreground.
    Spooky Shenanigans Badge 2024 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard/Canva

    Wandering Worldsmith badge
    Wandering Worldsmith badge by Rumengol


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jun 4, 2024 19:49 by Secere Laetes

    Qualität vor Quantität. Finde ich super und freue mich auf deine Beiträge (und die von einigen mehr... nur die alle zu lesen wird schwer ^^") . Und der Hintergrund ist echt gut geworden.

    Jun 5, 2024 15:06

    I really look forward to your contributions and hope you enjoy your first SC, which will hopefully be followed by more. May the prompts turn out in your favor.

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
    Jun 13, 2024 23:10

    Thank you so much! I'm really hyped about SC right now and do indeed hope there are many more to come. Best of prompt luck to you too!

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
    Jun 23, 2024 20:35 by Myth Cross

    Keep up the awesome work, Tyrdal! I'm ready for more enchanting stories and Adventures coming this Summer from Aran'Sha! : D

    MYTH X

    Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!

    Jun 27, 2024 17:10

    OK, I checked back here today and now that I've revealed your ideas for the individual topics, I'm even more excited to see what you're going to write. It sounds like it would be a great read.

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
    Jun 24, 2024 23:28 by Mochi

    Best of luuuuuuuck aiming for copper! Can't wait to see what you write <3

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge!
    Jun 26, 2024 10:49

    Looks like you’re ready to rock this summer camp. Let’s do this! Don’t forget to enjoy the ride. :)

    Now playing: Summer Camp '24 Reading Challenge   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
    Jun 26, 2024 20:35

    Good luck on your goals! Hope we both have a great first summercamp :D

    I can hear the stars, they are singing to me...
    For more mystery and magic, check out the world of Starsong