The Kaharan Vulture - Guardian of Souls

On silent wings, they guide the way to the river of souls

The sun was beginning its descent, casting long shadows across the endless, rolling dunes. I had been traveling for days, a long, ardous journey trough the worst the great desert had to offer. As the heat of the day gave way to the cool embrace of twilight, I found myself near a rocky outcrop, a solitary refuge in the middle of the vast, sandy ocean.   It was there, amidst the towering dunes and the whispering winds, that I first saw it. A kaharan vulture, a majestic silhouette against the fading light, soared gracefully above me. Its wings, broad and powerful, caught the last rays of the sun, casting a golden hue over its earthy brown and black feathers. I stood in awe, my breath caught in my throat, as the vulture circled lower, its keen eyes scanning the ground below.   As if sensing my presence, it let out a haunting cry,a sound that echoed through the stillness of the desert. It was a call that seemed to echo between the dunes, a sound that made me think of times where no human had stepped foot onto this continent. I watched as it descended gracefully, landing on a nearby rock with a grace that belied its size.   I approached cautiously, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and reverence. The vulture’s eyes met mine, a deep brown that seemed to penetrate my very soul, holding a wisdom that belied its beastly appearance. In that moment, it seemed to muster me, peer into my soul and judge me...all but in an instant. Then, as the last light of day faded into the embrace of night, the vulture spread its wings once more, taking flight with a single powerful thrust. I watched it soar into the twilight, a shadow against the deepening sky. To my dying days, I will ask myself - had my life been worthy enough to balance the scales of judgment?

Excerpt from "The seven journeys of Mashir Al'Deivi"
    In the vast, sun-scorched expanses of the great desert, a creature revered and respected by the Kaharan people soars through the azure heavens. Known by many names, it is addressed as Kashi’ Al’ruhal, the guardian of souls, but most scholarly minds refer to it as the Kaharan Vulture. This majestic bird, with its broad wings and keen eyes, is far more than a mere scavenger. It serves as a sacred guardian, a protector of souls, and is said to be a wise messenger from the gods themselves.  


The Kaharan Vulture is a sight to behold. With a wingspan that can reach up to three meters, it glides effortlessly on the scorching winds above the desert. Its feathers, a blend of earthy browns and blacks, allow it to blend seamlessly with the barren landscape below.
A bird of prey, its beak, sharp and curved, is perfectly adapted for tearing through tough flesh and bone alike, while its talons, strong and hooked, provide a firm grip on both its prey and rocky perches.
  But the most striking feature is the vulture’s eyes, deep brown and penetrating, sometimes seeming to shimmer with a golden hue, far too wise for a mere beast.  

Behaviour and Habitat

  Kaharan vultures are usually not solitary creatures; they are often seen in pairs or small groups, soaring high above the desert sands. Their keen eyesight allows them to spot the slightest movement from great heights, making them efficient hunters and scavengers. These birds nest on rocky outcrops and cliffs, high above the desert floor, where they can keep a watchful eye on their territory and protect their young from predators.   However, it is their role in the death rite of the Sky Burial that truly sets them apart from other scavengers. When a Kaharan passes away, a sacred ritual, called a sky burial is performed. The kaharan vultures are said to free the soul from its earthly bounds, send as guardians of the soul - and the more of them flock to a burial, the more worthy that soul's life has been. For the the gods send their protectors to guide the deceased on their way to the celestial river, where they will embark on a journey to the heavenly realms.    

Importance to the People

  To the Kaharan people, the vulture is a sacred creature, a messenger of the gods, a guardian of souls blessed with the wisdom of the gods. It is said that the gods speak to and through them and mortals are well advised to take heed. While many scholars remain sceptical of their divine nature, few that locked eyes with one of these majestic creatures walked away from that encounter unchanged.
Kashi’ Al’ruhal, Messengers of the gods

It is said that the Kashi’ Al’ruhal are able to soar from the azure skies to the celestial realms, to heed the council of the gods and carry their words back to the mortal realms.
Many a desperate souls has taken to give their prayers to these majestic creatures and they always seem to listen intently, staring at the believer with piercing brown eyes, before taking flight into the heavens.

"On vulture's wings"

A common saying among the Kaharan people, signifying someone is now at peace and on their journey to the afterlife.
It is also a common blessing among the priesthood of the godess of life and death.


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Aug 5, 2024 17:47 by Han

GOOOOD BIRD I love that they could absolutely just be normal birds, and that the myth around them is wholly mortal-made.

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 7, 2024 08:42

Thank you for the kind words, glad you enjoyed it. As for them being messengers of the gods - who knows for sure?

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 6, 2024 02:32 by Owen Davies

The whole myth around the birds is amazing and I love the mystical vibe that surrounds them. (I want one)

"The world is only as big as one makes it. So make it bigger by expanding your mind."   Nonvyrox A fantasy setting scarred by a divine war.   Checkout what I've written for Summer Camp 2024
Aug 7, 2024 08:43

Thank you, happy you enjoyed meeting the kaharan vultures.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 7, 2024 08:06 by Annie Stein

When I was reading this I was like ooh are we getting sky burials? and then we did!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Aug 7, 2024 08:45

Of course, its such an interesting custom and fits right in with the vibe I was going for. There are other burial rites in Aran'sha of course - and I'll write about them in due time. Glad you enjoyed meeting the kaharan vulture!

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 13, 2024 22:59 by Secere Laetes

Äußerst majestätische Vögel bei dir. Ich finde es schön, wie Geier zur Abwechslung eben keinen schlechten Ruf haben, sondern einen ausgesprochen guten. Das Sprichwort ergänzt zudem sehr passend ihre Rolle, ebenso wie der andere Name, der ihnen gegeben wird. So kann man Aasfresser auch einmal glänzen lassen.

Aug 25, 2024 09:56

Again, a really great idea. What I take from it is that things can be just normal and people simply believe them to be special and that makes them special. Hopefully some day I will be able to come up with similar ideas.