The longest journey - Chapter two

Welcome, returning travellers and new adventurers, to an adventure unlike any other, Let’s continue our journey through your worlds (or start a new one) - but instead of just a short trip and a single destination, let’s visit a few more places through a series of monthly challenges. This is the second chapter, so be sure to check out part one here. So, to start with, lets go over the rules again!
  Each month will have a new prompt for you, and while you can certainly connect all five of them to form a coherent story, you don’t have to! Single articles work just as well.
If you want to skip a month because the prompt isn’t to your liking, just wait a month and rejoin our journey at a later point.

A traveller's guide

Do I have to submit something for every prompt?
  • No, of course not. Participate in any of the five prompts that call to you. There’s no obligation to take part for every single one.
  • Do I need to write prose/a specific template?
  • Not at all, you can choose any style or template as long as your submission fits the prompt.
  • How long does my article have to be?
  • You can submit art, maps,articles, even timelines if it fits. However, articles need to be at least 300 words long to be considered, but old, reworked articles can be submitted if they fit the prompt.
  • How much time do I have?
  • There are a total of 5 prompts over 5 months. The second chapter of this adventure will run from 7th October to 7th November. Submissions for the second prompt have to be entered within that timeframe to count.
  • How do I submit an article?
  • Simply comment with a link to your article
  • Are there rewards? Is this a judged challenge?
  • There will be badges for each completed prompt and there might be a special one for all the feral people that complete them all.

    Chapter Two
    The road ahead

      We have started our journey, but the path ahead is a long and adventurous one. But where does it go? What sights will we see, what tales will we hear? Follow me into a new adventure.

    This time, you'll get the October prompt, the second step of our journey - you can answer this prompt from the 7th October to 7th November to earn a badge:

    Write about..

    A road or area rarely travelled - but why?

    Is it an unhospitable area full of dangers? Is it a wild and primordial land, not yet tamed by anyone? An unknown region of space or a desolate sprawl full of cutthroats? Maybe a place that no one dares to enter - or something entirely different - whatever it is, write about it.
      And with that, fellow wanderers, gather your quills and parchments, and join me on “The Longest Journey.” Whether you pen one tale or many, each step will bring new sights and wonders. Let’s explore the wonders of your realms together, one story at a time. Here are a few inspirational stories from me, but I hope you will find your own tale to tell:  
    As the “Vikramaditya” plunged into the glowing heart of the nebula, its manta ray wings screamed under the violent gravitational forces. Captain Arjun’s pulse pounded in his ears as he stared into the chaos of swirling depths and relentless lightning storms, searching for a way out.
    The sandstone cliffs loomed ominously over Tariq, their jagged edges threatening to collapse at any moment. Tariq’s heart pounded in his chest as he guided his camel along the narrow path, each step tempting fate anew. The ground beneath him felt unstable, shifting with every movement. The rumbling sound of falling rocks echoed through the gorge, a perilous reminder of the danger this pass was known for.
    Catlyn took a deep breath, her heart pounding as she entered the neon-lit alleyway, the flickering lights of advertisements dancing around her. The weight of her trusted cyberdeck on her back was a comforting companion as she stepped out of the rain.
    Without warning, a trio of heavily chromed gang members emerged from the darkness, their eyes glinting with cruelty and malice. “Lost, netrat?” one of them sneered, brandishing a knife. Catlyn’s fingers twitched towards her concealed weapon, but she knew she was outnumbered. She had to think fast...


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Sep 22, 2024 04:19 by Jacqueline Taylor

    Sep 22, 2024 05:53

    Hey Piggie4299, thanks for your submission! Just a note: this part of the challenge does start until 7th of October, so I'll leave your submission until then.

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
    Sep 22, 2024 06:59 by Jacqueline Taylor

    Doh! Got over eager! lol

    Sep 23, 2024 00:29 by Chris L

    I'm early again! I may or may not edit it before Oct 7, but I'll drop it now.

    Clockwork Road
    Geographic Location | Sep 23, 2024

    The Clockwork Road is a pathway through the multiverse available only to sentient machines.

    Take a look at my Institutions of Learning challenge article.

    Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

    Sep 28, 2024 13:32   Ggf. überarbeite ich es bis zum 07.10. nochmal rein redaktionell, aber nur schonmal vorab zur Info :D