Three Pillars of Al’Quadir

A lost place within the great desert, this unassuming waterhole, nestled under a protective overhanging rock, has puzzled travelers and scholars for centuries. Despite the harsh, arid climate and unrelenting scorching winds, Al’Quadir’s waters never run dry, offering a grasp of hope to those who stumble upon it.   The site is marked by three ancient rock formations, known as the Pillars of Al’Quadir. These towering monoliths, seemingly hewn out of the very stone of the overhang, are covered in withered glyphs. The origins and meanings of these glyphs remain a mystery, as no one has been able to decipher them. Some believe they are remnants of a long-lost civilization, while others think they might be messages from the gods.   The first pillar, known as the Pillar of Life, stands closest to the waterhole. Its surface is adorned with intricate carvings that resemble flowing water and blooming flowers. Despite the erosion, the beauty of these carvings is still evident, showing the love and care the builder poured into it.   The second pillar, called the Pillar of Mystery, is located a a bit further away, still seeming to support the overhang. This pillar is covered abstract and enigmatic forms. Spirals, geometric patterns, and unknown characters intertwine, creating a puzzle that has intrigued many a scholar. Some scholars thinkt that these glyphs might hold the key to understanding the secrets of Al’Quadir, but their true meaning remains out of their grasp.   The third pillar, the Pillar of Eternity, stands furthest from the waterhole, already within the desert with just the endless sky above it. Its carvings depict celestial bodies and cosmic events, suggesting a connection to the stars above and the passage of time. It's meaning remains lost to time, but many members of the Celestial Circle have tried in vain to match the constellations shown upon it. S   For centuries now, the Three Pillars of Al’Quadir continue to baffle scholars and caravaneers alike. The waterhole, devoid of any surrounding vegetation, does keep its secrets - for now.


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Aug 14, 2024 22:30 by Secere Laetes

Hm, ein netter Anreißer. Zumindest gehe ich stark davon aus, dass du diesen Artikel noch mal überarbeiten wirst. Sei es mit Mythen über Karawanen, die dadurch überlebten oder anderem. Aber die Umgebung macht neugierig und zeigt deutlich, dass Schönheit auch in der Einfachheit liegen kann.

Aug 30, 2024 16:36

Those pillars seem to be remnants from before the Eclipse … maybe they should ask Indy, he would most certainly be able to decipher the carvings. Or Lara … I hope you will work on it, I would love to know how the waterhole is utilized today and a picture would be awesome.