Warding Stone Brooch


Warding Stone Brooches and pendants are crafted from simple, grey stones, polished to a smooth finish and set in modest frames, most times made from bronze or intricate silver. Its design is intentionally understated, ensuring it does not draw unnecessary attention. Iits true value lies not in its role as a humble accessory, but in the mystical energies woven into its core by the enchanters of Ri'kahar. The enchantment is difficult to perform, making these pieces highly sought after - and therefore expensive.  


When the command word is spoken, the brooch transforms its wearer into an unassuming, large slab of rock. This transformation spreads quickly outwards, its effects being both blessing and curse. While in this form, the wearer is unable to act at all, in fact, they do not even perceive the passage of time or breath anymore.
As one might imagine, in this form the transfigured being becomes almost impossible to destroy. It takes an extreme amount of force to damage the solid rock. While transformed, neither sickness nor poison work anymore on the bearer until the rock flows back into the brooch once more. This happens after a single forthnight, the rock cumbling into dust, its magic spent.

A warding stone brooch is typically used as a last resort. When escape or defense seem impossible, the wearer calls upon the brooch to become an almost invicible object, buying time until help arrives or the danger passes. Many a ruler has escaped his assassins or death on the battlefield this way


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