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Artemius College

Nestled within the bustling and vibrant streets of Lilea, the capital of Lilicea, stands a towering symbol of artistic inspiration, culture, and creativity: Artemius College. Named after the Lilicean god of art, poetry, and music, Artem, the college is an institution devoted to the cultivation of all aesthetic and creative disciplines. Over centuries, it has grown to be the most renowned center for the study of the arts in all of Aranath, attracting students and patrons from distant lands, all of whom are drawn to the allure of artistic mastery.   A Pillar of Culture in Lilicea Lilea is often referred to as the "City of the Muse", and Artemius College serves as the beating heart of this nickname. Located in the city’s artistic quarter, the college occupies a sprawling estate dotted with lush gardens, fountains, and colonnades. These grounds are open to the public during certain hours, allowing visitors to stroll through gardens where statues of legendary bards, poets, and artists are scattered among the flowers. The statues pay homage to former students and faculty whose works have influenced the culture and history of not only Lilicea but all of Aranath.   The college is closely tied to the city's culture. The halls of Artemius College are lined with the works of former students and staff, and it isn't uncommon to hear the distant melodies of a lute or the passionate recitation of a poem in the air as you approach. Lilea’s streets are filled with bards, painters, and actors—all influenced by the creativity that permeates from this grand institution.   Headmaster Edgar Longfoot: A Poet at Heart At the helm of Artemius College is the beloved headmaster, Edgar Longfoot, a middle-aged halfling poet whose sharp wit and deep love for the arts have earned him great respect among students and faculty alike. Though small in stature, Edgar’s presence is monumental within the halls of the college. Known for his exceptional storytelling abilities, Edgar is said to captivate audiences for hours with his performances. His poetry is famous for exploring themes of freedom, nature, and the pursuit of beauty.   As headmaster, Edgar embodies the college’s spirit of inclusivity and inspiration. Though Artemius College has high fees for those who can afford them, Edgar is particularly invested in ensuring that no student with true talent is turned away for lack of funds. His efforts have resulted in a robust scholarship program, where students can either apply for financial aid or seek the sponsorship of Lilicea's nobility, many of whom take great pride in furthering the arts. Edgar personally mentors several students each year, guiding their development not only as artists but as individuals who can shape society through creativity and passion.   Curriculum: An All-Encompassing Artistic Experience Artemius College offers a vast range of courses, covering nearly every artistic discipline imaginable. Its curriculum is designed to ensure that students leave not only as masters of their chosen fields but with a deep appreciation for the full spectrum of the arts. Students are encouraged to explore multiple mediums and often graduate with a well-rounded artistic education.   Music and Instrumental Mastery Perhaps the most sought-after program is that of music, which covers everything from vocal training to the mastery of numerous instruments. The college has dedicated halls for students to practice their skills on lutes, harps, violins, flutes, and even large pipe organs. These halls are designed with acoustics in mind, allowing students to experiment with sound in spaces that replicate the grand theaters and concert halls where they may one day perform. The walls of these practice rooms are adorned with murals depicting Artem himself playing the celestial lyre.   The musical curriculum does not solely focus on performance, however. Students are also taught composition and songwriting, studying the works of historical greats while developing their own style. The College frequently hosts performances where students can showcase their original works, often attended by both the public and potential patrons from the nobility. These events are a chance for gifted bards to earn commissions, invitations to court, or sponsorships for future artistic endeavors.   Poetry and Storytelling Poetry has long been revered in Lilicea, and Artemius College’s poetry program is second to none. The faculty includes seasoned poets and scholars who guide students in honing their skills, teaching everything from the intricacies of meter and rhyme to the art of metaphor and allegory. Much like in the music department, students are encouraged to experiment with their work, blending poetic forms, exploring different languages, and even combining music and verse in a style reminiscent of ancient bardic traditions.   Storytelling, another key component of the poetry curriculum, teaches students to weave narratives that captivate and inspire audiences. This course is not limited to just spoken word; students learn how to use gestures, expressions, and movement to enhance their tales, becoming true performers. The college's regular storytelling nights in the main hall are legendary—an opportunity for both students and faculty to share original works or recite classics in front of large, appreciative audiences.   Visual Arts: Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture In addition to the performing arts, visual art holds a prominent place at Artemius College. Painting and drawing are perhaps the oldest and most widely studied mediums at the school, with entire wings dedicated to teaching students the technical skills they need to master perspective, color, and form. The college's art studios are filled with natural light, with large windows that overlook the city of Lilea, providing endless inspiration for the students inside. Portraits, landscapes, and abstract works line the halls, a testament to the creative minds that have come through the college over the years.   Sculpture, though a less popular course, is nonetheless offered and revered. Students in this discipline often collaborate with artisans in the city’s famous markets, learning how to work with marble, clay, and even precious metals. These collaborations help to blur the lines between high art and craftsmanship, something Artemius College prides itself on.   Drama and Performance Arts The drama department at Artemius College is a favorite for those with a passion for theater and performance. Students are trained in the art of acting, learning how to embody characters, deliver lines with emotion, and interact with fellow performers. The college has its own open-air theater within its grounds, where students regularly stage productions ranging from classic tragedies to modern comedies. These performances draw large crowds from the city and are another opportunity for students to be noticed by wealthy patrons.   The Noble Patronage and Scholarships While Artemius College is renowned for its high fees, it is also known for its commitment to fostering true talent. For this reason, the college maintains a robust scholarship system that provides gifted students the opportunity to study, regardless of their background or financial situation. Many of these scholarships are funded by Lilicea’s nobility, who view the support of the arts as a matter of pride and status. It’s not uncommon for a promising student to be sponsored by a noble family, either through direct funding or by taking the student under their wing as a personal bard or artist.   This system of patronage not only allows talented individuals from lower classes to attend the college but also creates deep connections between the artistic community and Lilicea's upper echelons. Some students go on to become personal court bards, commissioned portraitists, or even the private tutors of noble children, ensuring that the arts continue to thrive in the city and beyond.   An Institution of Legacy Artemius College’s legacy stretches far beyond the walls of Lilea. Graduates of the college often go on to become world-renowned bards, poets, and artists, some of whom have even become legends in their own right. Their works are performed in royal courts, hung in prestigious galleries, and spoken of in reverence by scholars across the world. The influence of Artemius College extends to every corner of Aranath, with former students founding schools, writing influential treatises, and passing on their skills to new generations of artists.   A Beacon for the Future Even as the world around it changes, Artemius College remains a steadfast beacon of artistic achievement. Its students and faculty continue to shape the cultural landscape of Lilicea and beyond, bringing beauty, emotion, and insight into a world that is always in need of such things. For those fortunate enough to pass through its gates, the college is not merely a place of learning—it is a sanctuary where creativity is nurtured, and the soul is set free to explore its greatest heights.


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Sep 19, 2024 21:38 by TJ Trewin

Sign me up for Visual Arts! :D what is the application process like for prospective students in your world?

Journals of Yesteryear

I just finished some new art in my latest article: Pinecrest College of Aviation!