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Aurelius De Clare

Duke Aurelius De Clare is the current leader of Modren and holds a great deal of power in the country. He is described as highly superstitious and distrustful of strangers, which has led to a shift in Modren's culture towards intolerance. His family, the De Clares, started out as a royal family, but due to a recent war, Aurelius had to submit his crown and ruling power to the Empire.   Despite this, he remains in a position of authority as the leader of Modren. However, his decision to submit to the Empire has resulted in the southern countries, particularly Kaelderen, holding a grudge against him and the people of Modren. This has resulted in Modren being discriminated against in other southern countries.   Aurelius De Clare's attitude towards other races is particularly harsh. He is suspicious of strangers and has even created laws that discriminate against other races and humans from other countries. While dwarves, elves, halflings, and gnomes are accepted in Modren, they are still discriminated against. All other races are outlawed and deported on discovery, except for tieflings, who face a far more cruel punishment; torture and death.   The reason for Aurelius De Clare's hatred of other races and tieflings is likely due to the Appearance of the Mist, a phenomenon that has plagued Modren for over thirty years. The mist brings misfortune and hardship to Modren, and the high number of tieflings born during its initial appearance led to them being blamed for the country's problems.   Overall, Duke Aurelius De Clare is a superstitious and intolerant leader who has led Modren into a state of suspicion and discrimination. His harsh treatment of other races and tieflings has only served to deepen the rift between Modren and other southern countries.   The House of De Clare is a noble family that has been in power in Modren for generations. The De Clares were once a royal family, ruling over Modren as kings, but their power was weakened after a recent war with the Empire. The current head of the family, Duke Aurelius De Clare, was forced to submit his crown and ruling power to the Empire, which has led to resentment among some of the people of Modren. Despite their loss of royal status, the De Clares still hold considerable power and influence in Modren. They are known for their superstitious beliefs, which have become increasingly extreme under the leadership of Duke Aurelius. The family is said to have a history of practicing dark magic and dabbling in forbidden rituals, though these rumors are difficult to substantiate.   The De Clares are a wealthy family and own vast estates throughout Modren. They have traditionally been involved in trade and commerce, particularly in luxury goods and textiles. However, since Aurelius took over as Duke, the family has become increasingly isolated from the outside world and their economic influence has waned.   The De Clares are also known for their prejudice against certain races and species, particularly tieflings. They have passed discriminatory laws and policies, leading to the persecution and exile of tieflings from Modren. Despite this, the family has a long history of hiring tieflings as servants and laborers, leading some to speculate that their hatred of tieflings may be rooted in some personal or family vendetta.   Overall, the House of De Clare is a powerful and influential family in Modren, but their reputation is tarnished by their extreme beliefs and discriminatory practices.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Prior to the war and the Appearance of the Mist, Duke Aurelius De Clare was known for his jovial and kind nature. He was a charismatic and benevolent king who was loved by his people. He believed in the power of unity and cooperation, and he worked tirelessly to improve the lives of his subjects. However, after the war and the subsequent loss of his royal status, Aurelius underwent a profound transformation. He became increasingly disillusioned and defeated, struggling to come to terms with his loss of power and influence. This sense of defeatism was compounded by the Appearance of the Mist, which only served to exacerbate his already fragile mental state.   As the years went on, Aurelius became increasingly bitter and resentful towards those around him. His once-pleasant demeanor gave way to anger and hostility, and he began to view the world through a lens of suspicion and paranoia. This led him to become highly superstitious and distrustful of strangers, which only served to fuel Modren's culture of intolerance.   In short, Duke Aurelius De Clare's personality has undergone a dramatic shift from that of a happy and helpful king to that of a defeatist and quick-tempered leader who is highly suspicious and intolerant of others.
Ruled Locations


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