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Belthrond, a mighty dwarven city-state, stands as a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of its people. Carved into hills in the southern part of the Empire, it is a sprawling underground metropolis, renowned not only for its impressive size but also for the wealth that flows from its deep mines and masterful forges. Despite its prosperity and grandeur, Belthrond exists under the shadow of the Empire, functioning as a vassal state—a status that has become increasingly contentious in recent years.   At the very top of the hill stands the mighty fortress that gives Belthrond its name: The Fortress on the Hill. This imposing structure is the military and political heart of the city. Built from the hardest stone and reinforced with iron, the fortress is virtually impregnable. It houses the city's standing army, a formidable force of dwarven warriors, as well as the main families of the five ruling clans. The fortress is both a symbol of Belthrond's strength and a reminder of its subjugation, as it also serves as the Empire’s local seat of power.     Geography and Layout   The city of Belthrond is uniquely situated within a massive hilland, a sprawling geological formation that rises prominently from the surrounding landscape. The heart of Belthrond lies deep underground, where a labyrinth of tunnels, caverns, and grand halls form the city’s core. These subterranean structures are not mere caves but carefully engineered spaces, adorned with ornate stonework, intricate carvings, and the constant hum of dwarven industry.   Surrounding the hilland are three colossal rings carved directly into the stone, resembling moats. These rings serve as distinct districts, each filled with residences, merchant quarters, workshops, and marketplaces. The rings are interconnected by a network of staircases, ramps, and lifts, allowing the city's inhabitants to move seamlessly between the levels. The lowest ring is closest to the underground entrance and serves as the main point of trade with the outside world. Here, merchants from across the Empire and beyond come to trade goods, making it one of the most bustling and vibrant areas of the city.   The middle ring is primarily residential, home to many of the city's workers, artisans, and their families. This area is quieter than the commercial district below, but it is far from dormant. The streets are lined with modest yet sturdy homes, often adorned with symbols representing the five ruling clans, and the air is filled with the sounds of daily life—children playing, the clinking of hammers from nearby workshops, and the low murmur of conversation.   The uppermost ring houses the wealthiest citizens and the grandest buildings outside the hill itself. Here, one finds the more luxurious residences, embassies, and halls where the city's elite gather. The architecture is more elaborate, with towering columns, expansive courtyards, and intricate mosaics that depict the city’s rich history.     The Five Ruling Clans   Belthrond is governed by a council composed of the leaders of its five ruling clans. These clans each control a vital aspect of the city's economy and culture, and their influence extends throughout every facet of life in Belthrond. Membership in one of these clans is hereditary, and every citizen belongs to one of them, although only the main family carries the clan name as a surname.   1. Ironbound Clan: The Ironbound Clan is responsible for the ownership and distribution of metals within Belthrond. Their vast wealth comes from the mines that stretch deep beneath the city, where iron, copper, and other valuable ores are extracted and processed. The Ironbound are known for their meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every shipment of metal meets their exacting standards. The clan is also responsible for managing trade relations with external merchants, making them one of the most influential clans in Belthrond.   2. Silverhill Clan: The Silverhill Clan controls the silver mines, which are among the richest in the known world. In addition to their mining operations, they run Belthrond's most prestigious bank, known for its trustworthiness and fair dealing. The Silverhill bank is a cornerstone of the city's economy, offering loans, secure deposits, and financial services to both citizens and outsiders. The clan’s wealth has also allowed them to invest in the arts and culture, and they are patrons of many of the city’s most famous artisans.   3. Sunforge Clan: The Sunforge Clan oversees the largest and most advanced forge complexes in Belthrond. Their forges are renowned for producing some of the finest weapons, armor, and tools in the world, each piece a work of art in its own right. The Sunforge smiths are unparalleled in their craft, and their products are sought after far and wide. The clan’s mastery of metallurgy and craftsmanship makes them indispensable to Belthrond’s economy and defense.   4. Stonehammer Clan: The Stonehammer Clan is the master of masonry and architecture, responsible for many of Belthrond’s most impressive structures. Their skills are evident in the city’s grand halls, fortresses, and the very rings that encircle the hill. The Stonehammers are also the chief engineers of Belthrond’s infrastructure, ensuring that the city’s tunnels, bridges, and lifts are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Their work has made Belthrond a marvel of dwarven engineering.   5. Runewrought Clan: The Runewrought Clan are the master scribes, responsible for recording and preserving the city’s history, laws, and knowledge. They are the keepers of the city’s vast libraries, where ancient tomes and scrolls are meticulously maintained. The Runewrought are also skilled in the crafting of runes, which are used to enhance weapons, armor, and even buildings. Their knowledge is highly prized, and they are often consulted on matters of strategy, diplomacy, and arcane lore.   The Empire’s Influence and Growing Dissent   For generations, Belthrond has existed as a vassal state under the Empire’s control. This relationship has brought both benefits and burdens to the city. On the one hand, the Empire provides protection and access to broader markets, which has allowed Belthrond’s economy to flourish. On the other hand, the city’s autonomy has been severely restricted, with imperial overseers stationed in the fortress to ensure compliance with imperial decrees.   In recent decades, dissatisfaction with the Empire’s rule has been growing among both the council and the populace. Many in Belthrond resent the heavy taxes imposed by the Empire, as well as the restrictions on their trade and governance. There is a growing faction within the council that advocates for independence, believing that Belthrond’s wealth and military might could allow them to stand alone. Some even speak of war, though such talk is carefully guarded to avoid the Empire’s wrath.   Among the populace, there is a similar division. Some citizens are loyal to the Empire, seeing it as a source of stability and protection. Others, however, yearn for the freedom to govern themselves and resent the presence of imperial soldiers in their city. This simmering tension has created an atmosphere of unease, as the people of Belthrond grapple with their future and the possibility of rebellion.   Conclusion   Belthrond is a city of contrasts—a place of immense wealth and power, yet also of deep-seated discontent. Its grand halls and fortresses stand as symbols of dwarven strength and ingenuity, but they are also reminders of the city’s subjugation under the Empire. As the winds of change blow through the city’s tunnels and rings, the people of Belthrond must decide whether to continue under the Empire’s yoke or to risk everything for the chance at freedom. The city’s future hangs in the balance, with the council’s five ruling clans at the heart of the impending storm.


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