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Mudfort is a small but sturdy fortification that has been standing for centuries. The walls are made of rough-hewn stone, and the wooden gates have been reinforced with iron bands. The keep within the walls is also made of stone, and it stands tall above the surrounding buildings of the settlement. The fort has been built atop a hill that rises above the surrounding marshy landscape, which makes it difficult for enemies to approach on foot or horseback. The muddy terrain is further fortified by thick thorn bushes and other natural obstacles that make it nearly impossible to penetrate. The settlement within the walls of Mudfort is quite new compared to the fort itself. It has grown up around the fort as a place for soldiers and tradespeople to live and work. The buildings in the settlement are mostly wooden, with thatched roofs and dirt floors. There are a few small shops and markets where goods can be purchased, but overall, the settlement is small and sparsely populated. Many of the residents are soldiers or their families, and there is a strong sense of camaraderie and loyalty among them.   Despite its small size, Mudfort plays an important role in the defense of Modren. Its strategic location allows it to serve as a lookout point, and it also provides a safe haven for travelers passing through the marshy terrain. The soldiers stationed at Mudfort are highly trained and dedicated to their duty, and they take their responsibilities very seriously. As a result, the fort and settlement have remained safe and secure throughout the years, even during times of war and unrest.


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